1553/Bringing Down The Green(House)

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Bringing Down The Green(House)
Date of Scene: 18 May 2024
Location: Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: Cure Sledge makes his debut! With the help of his new allies, they take down the monster that was threatening the Greenery Day Festival!
Cast of Characters: 247, Taro Yamada, Mamoru Chiba, Hinote Kagari, Miya Sakamoto, Tsubasa Yuunagi, Amanda Faust, Yaling Yao

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
What a beautiful spring day! The sun is shining amidst a sky dappled with fluffy white clouds, and the breeze that winds its way through the streets of Tokyo is light and refreshing, keeping the temperature mild. The perfect day for an event in the city in honor of Greenery Day, which was sadly postponed due to inclement weather.

A grassy area of the botanical gardens has been repurposed for the event, with a temporary greenhouse erected along with several smaller stands offering foods like juices and smoothies or cut fruit and grilled vegetables for snacking, all of it focused on healthy, fresh foods. It's what's in the greenhouse that draws the crowd, though, where attendants await to help select free plant cuttings for attendees to take home and grow themselves, on windowsills and balconies, or in home gardens.

The whirr of kitchen machinery and the hum of generators beckons those from other, quieter parts of the park, to this bustling corner of activity. Upbeat, cheerful music plays from strategically placed speakers, blending with the bright chatter of the crowd.

Sitting behind the greenhouse on one of the park benches is a young man wearing glasses, his t-shirt advertising a nearby hardware store in Pikarigaoaka and his workboots spattered lightly with mud. Sho's toolbelt sits in the grass nearby, abandoned for now as he won't need it until it's time to break down the buildings erected for the event later this evening. For now he's just relaxing, his head tilted back as he stares up at the blue sky.

Over by the smoothie stand, the queue is the longest. One of the workers behind the counter seems to be struggling with a misbehaving blender amidst the bank of electrical equipment set up for today. A spark jumps up towards the stand's rafters and the girl steps away, shrieking. The cords that line towards the nearby portable generator begin to twist and writhe in the air as the machinery begin to rise up into the air, electrical zaps spiking off of them as they float menacingly.

As people begin to run away in fright, a noxious cloud of dark fog spills from the booths and engulfs others nearby, gathering up more equipment into a strange, hulking form. Blender blades swirl menacingly as staticy noises blast from half-assembled speaker components, while sizzling hot grill coils emanate blasts of heat. A blinking work light serves as the creature's head, swiveling to and fro as it spotlights those fleeing from the stand, obviously targeting them for dangerous mischief!

Taro Yamada has posed:
It's a beautiful day to take a break from homework and go wander around the city. Now that he's got money to actually enjoy the sights like a normal man, Taro's taking advantage to check out the plants and eat...the other plants. He'd prefer meat if he could get it, but it's not on sale, so Taro's going for a skewer of grilled strawberries. If he can't get something filling, he'll enjoy the decadance of fresh fruit.

Orrrr a nearby smoothie stand can just! Explode! You know! "A yokai?!"

Taro's worked en ough kitchens to know that this thing is bad news - and as much as he's willing to handle hot mochi to stress cook in the kitchen, he'd rather not test his luck getting attacked by some kind of grill beast. Much less get his fingers chopped off! Or get electrocuted by a stray spark!

Uuuugh, he can't henshin here, he's keeping his cover tight and the Back Street Slasher did poorly under sunlight, which means he's got to keep this in human form until the coast is clear - so! Plan B!

He runs to the young man with the tool box. "Hey! Do you know if there's any usable water hoses near here? Or do you have any gloves or plastic stuff that can be used as insulation?"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Nearby, at a cut fruit stand that has blessedly paper throwaway containers, there's a very tall black-haired boy wearing glasses. He's just bought his cut fruit when the smoothie stand starts misbehaving; he suddenly feels rather like he understands how annoyed Usagi must have been at the dippin' dots encounter when she couldn't eat her ice cream on a hot day.

As the wires and machinery parts start climbing into the air in a distinctly menacing fashion and everyone starts running away, he runs behind one of the stands that has a back, stuffing fruit in his mouth hastily and swallowing altogether too fast.

That's why when he manages to get out his henshin phrase, hand holding his pocket watch in the air, his other hand is in a fist against his chest and he's making faces as the eaten-too-fast fruit goes down painfully slowly.

"Earth Prism Power, Make Up!" he croaks, and is enveloped by swirling jewel-toned ribbonesque colors with white sparkles and bokeh lights as his formalwear appears over his lit-up silhouette of a form.

This time, he can't actually get out a justice speech, but he's got a rose in hand... just nobody to throw it at. "What-- owwww-- what kind of monster is this?" he asks plaintively.

Hinote Kagari has posed:
Hinote Kagari has a kabob of grilled vegetables and is eating them, sharing them secretly with his tiny chara fairy, Tracy, who currently has nothing to investigate, having found out where Ikuto's violin is the two are taking a well deserved break from messing with Easter on a nice day.


"It was a dark and stormy night..." says Tracy, gravely. Why? He senses the strange dark energy surge and soon, there's a monster.

"Huh!?" goes Hinote as he looks around rapidly and dives into... a rosebush! THIS IS A BAD IDEA and Hinote yelps and ducks into a proper bush to transform..."My Heart, Unlock!" says Hinote.

Out comes Pulp Noir, brushing himself off and then touching the brim of his hat.

"Looks like a mix up." he says about the blender youma that's appeared.

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
"...Excuse me, young lady...", one of the attendants of the greenhouse asks a teenage girl in yellow/orange overalls, who has a 'plushie'(?) beaver clinging to her arm, and who's looking with a lot of interest down at a little patch of plants. "...may I be of assistance?"

Yanked away from her focused staring, she states, without a hint of hesitation, "Yes, I'm interested in that one!", and points down.

"That...", continues the attendant, in mild embarrassment, unsure of how to break the news. "...that's our sprinkler..."

"A size 12 Nishigata 25-B plus! It wasn't supposed to be released until next week!", Miya urges, excited. "How did you come in possession of one? Do you have a special deal with the manufacturer?" She turns down to look at the sprinkler, "I've heard this model can now-"

She perks up. Looks out. Chaos is afoot.

She bites her lower lip, which quivers. "Not -now-! Not while I'm witnessing HISTORY of GARDENING TECHNOLOGY in the making!", she whimpers, but after a sigh, she dashes out.

After a suitable dance of light, colors, cheerful background music, and explosive hairstyles, Cure Spanner in her full massive-drill-haired glory (like,reaching well past her back massive) and her mascot Enji the Head Engineer Beaver are on the scene.

"How dare you perturb the peaceful gathering of innocent bystanders with shoddy insulation, polluting particulate, and, the worst sin of them all, horribly organized cabling?! By the same powers that compel me to deliver this justice speech without having any idea of what is going on, I order you to cease immediately, or-"

Cure spanner leaps sideways as an arc of electricity forms through the air where she was standing one moment before, "-I will be forced to proceed with repairs, and should they prove ineffective, initiate..."

She hits the palm of her other begloved hand with her henshin spanner a couple of times, and announces, ominously, "...a PRODUCT RECALL!"

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
Go out and make friends. That was Tsubasa's plan for the day. Having saw the line for the smoothie stand, and wanting something to drink, he had ended up at the end of the queue for a drink and was fishing around his wallet for what he had for on hand cash. As he was looking at his small supply of bills, there's a loud commotion from the front of the line... followed by panic yells and the rush of people that are fleeing the scene in a hurry.

This causes Tsubasa to rise up on his tip-toes and cranes around the shoulder of the person in front of her to see what was happening - just to have that person take off and run as well. Frowning in thought as he drops back down onto his heels, and it becomes obvious that he no longer needs to try to look around, because all he has to do is look up as the mechnaical, heat-fueled creature rises. "Oh dear." he murmurs.

And with that, he's grasping his Mirage Pen to head off around a corner to find a quiet and empty place to transform the Mirage Pen into his Henshin Device, "Sky Mirage! Tone Connect! Higoaru Change, WING!" into the courage that touches the heavens, "Cure Wing!"

Launching into flight from the spot he picked, his job for the moment is to make sure the civilians are cleared and to make sure the creature doesn't start chasing after anyone as a whole host of henshined heroes start to show up, he feels relieved that he has assistance!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "[Grilled strawberries?]" Amy exclaims, in English. She didn't know that was a thing you could do with strawberries!

    She's wearing her red sweatshirt and black slacks today, and walks up to the grilled fruit stand. And there is a familiar boy(?) from the alley and the museum. She's just about to raise her hand and call to him when all hell, or at least a single youma, breaks loose.

    Well, with all the chaos and the veil, she doesn't have to be that careful. Ducking behind a stand, the orb of flame is briefly visible as she transforms and hurries towards the monster made of cords, hefting her rocket launcher. "Wait, this isn't a good weapon for this..." She changes it to a gyrojet rifle. "...No, that's not much good either. Uhhh..."

    She answers Tuxedo Mask's question, with: "An annoying one! ...I don't suppose you can throw those roses precisely enough to sever the cords?"

Yaling Yao has posed:
Yaling is in the best mood she could possibly ever be, with the sun shining high in the sky and the prospect of an entire event all dedicated to plants. She just couldn't stop looking forward to it, and to her already energy deprived state that came everytime there was bad weather the news that the event had to be postponed was a tough blow. But now, it's here, and the green-haired girl just can't wait to take part in it. BaiBai had been much more talkative than usual that day, recounting tales from her life centuries back when she happily managing her shop together with her beloved.

That did help a lot in lifting Yaling's mood, because for anything that could be said about BaiBai not talking too much, she had a real gift in that regard. And to Yaling's contentment, when the promised day arrives, the weather is perfect and serene, and she couldn't have asked for better. It's basically a whirlwind what passes through the crowd when Yaling demonstrates exactly how much she is eager to join the queue and see what they have for offer. To be fair, the plant cutting is more of a side benefit, the real perk is meeting like-minded people to mutually talk each other's ears off with.

"I think they will have mostly softwood cuttings", Yaling muses to herself while she waits. "This is the prime period for them, and I would take advantage of that. Think they will have herbaceous and hardwood, too?" she wonders to BaiBai. "Why wouldn't they?" the snake replies. "I could hardly think of a period for which they would be unsuitable." Their chatter ends quickly when a youma strikes, with that heat making yaling from. "The softwood will dry quickly like this, how dare you! Wellness, warmth and wisdom from White Snake's gaze! Historic Legacy, Cure Suzhen!" she declares, playing an etheral pipa as she transforms.

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
From one of the now monster-mounted speakers comes a mechanical shout of static, as the spotlight head twirls around, each of the newly arriving magical girls and boys on the ground highlighted in its beam. This means that Cure Wing will have an easy time of helping to navigate the civilians, so long as he stays up in the air where the monster hasn't spotted him yet!

A braided coil of wires and cabling snaps out from the monster's behemoth frame to try and sweep Amy's feet out from underneath her, almost like it heard her talking about cutting its cords. But the spotlight itself is focused on Cure Spanner thanks to her justice speech, and the speakers mounted on its... well, vaguely where its shoulders should be, also turn and blast out a dangerous sound wave in her direction.

Unfortunately for others, namely Tuxedo Kamen, Pulp Noir, and Cure Suzhen, the sound blast is pretty wide ranging, so they might want to duck out of the way too!

All of the noise is loud enough to carry over behind the greenhouse, where Sho twists on the bench, looking up from the paperback he'd pulled from one of the pockets of his cargo shorts. He blinks once behind his glasses, surprised and concerned, but then that ominous static shrieking starts up, and he finds himself pinned in place with fear.

When Taro runs up to him, Sho can only nervously point to where a small work truck has been pulled up on a nearby path, its flatbed packed with equipment. In one of those toolboxes, Taro will find what he's looking for! The gloves will be easy to locate, but finding a place to attach the hose might require him going further afield (maybe near where that new size 12 Nishigata 25-B plus sprinkler is attached)!

And then Sho is stuck there, at least until a bird flies nearly right into his face, and as he flails, Sho tumbles off the park bench and onto his butt on the grass. "Ouch!" he calls out, wincing as he sits up, tears glimmering in his eyes.

"You'll be in a whole world of pain if you don't get up and get movin', lad!"

Sho's mouth drops open. He looks up at the bird, a pygmy woodpecker, all brown except for its white throat and speckled wings. "I'm sorry," he says, incredulous but also too polite for his own good, "Did... did you just talk?"

The woodpecker, who is wearing a tiny little hardhat and a bright orange vest, perches on the back of the bench Sho was previously seated upon. "That I did! And I was talking to you!"

"But you're a bird!"

Huffing out an offended breath, the bird takes flight again to buzz itself in Sho's face as he says, "I'll have you know I'm the Chief Demolotions fairy of the Kingdom of Building! Don Pekku's my name, and you better remember it!" He flies in close enough to knock his beak a couple of times against Sho's noggin, who cries out and ducks down, away.

The bird's wings nearly vibrate with how fast they're beating. "Now get up, lad! We've got work to do!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"Yeah, good call, Red," wheezes Tuxedo Mask as he throws that rose, winging through the air at one of the cables, with his usual astonishing precision--

--and then he's blasted by the edge of a sound wave of such physical force that he's spun off his feet and his hat gets knocked off, as well as making his ears ring. Once he's on the ground, ears still ringing -- they'll be doing that for a while, but at least the sonic force somehow knocked loose the fruit in his esophagus...

Anyway once he's on the ground, he hangs on to it, dizzy, and pulls energy from it with a golden glow until he's regained something like equilibrium. At least enough to stay on one knee and whip back with another rose, this one aimed at the biggest cable underneath the blender. It's definitely too big for one rose to sever, but having a very sharp dart driven into it might at least gum up the power a little. Maybe.

He keeps one hand on the ground and his other hand up in a fist by his chest, where it starts glowing, dimly at first.

Tsubasa Yuunagi has posed:
As Cure Wing is up high, he glances down at the others that are arriving. Good, good. They've got things handled - he doesn't go on the attack yet, he waits to see where he can assist. No jumping the gun this time, perhaps?

But what he can do? With a series of whistles and tweets, the young man summons some of the local birds up to him. There's a quick huddle, as he gestures, and when he's done, the birds take off in several directions.

As the birds fly down, they serve as guides to lead any further stragglers out of the area as he turns his attention back to the fight and frowns at the situation, trying to figure out his next step.

Taro Yamada has posed:
The second Taro turns his back, a dozen yokai - sorry, mahou - spring from the crowd like weeds. Phew! He dodged a bullet not transforming out here! He'd have been as full of holes as one of those gardens being planted! Which meant he was stick to plan B!

Gloves, check - an entire truck of supplies, all the better! "Do you have the keys to this thing?" he asks Sho -

But. Uh. Hm. Talking bird. It's probably a good sign this thing swears and bites less than his two dolls. Probably? Chief demolitions sounds good.

"Congrats, you get to join the world of magic nonsense. You don't get a choice in it, so tell the bird yessir how high do I jump," he tells Sho. "Chief Pekku, can you tell if that monster's more likely to set a normal fire or an electric fire? I can get sprinklers on to put out the former, but we're going to need a way to smother it with dirt if it's electric. I'll be back!"

He snaps on his gloves and runs over to Amy, ready to help steady her if the cords knock her off balance. "Come on, Miss Amy - I've got supplies that'll make it easier to handle," and his eyes flick to the cords - he's not saying 'cords' out loud in case the damn thing attacks again!!

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
"My landscaping equipment senses are tingling!", Cure Spanner grumbles to Enji, as she studies back the monster who's scanning the crowd. "I feel as if someone is planning to unscrew the Nishigata 25-B plus from its receptacle and connect a hose to it instead. It's... unnerving."

"Focus on your part of the battle," replies Enji the beaver fairy, in his overalls and hard hat. "It is important that-"

Enji's ears perk up. "Do I hear..."

"Of course there's running water! It's a greenhouse!", Cure Spanner cuts off. "We've been through this multiple times-"

"Shhh, shhh, shhh," hushes Enji, with narrowed eyes, as he waves his tiny paw up and down while listening intently. "I think I've heard a voice I know..."

Cure Spanner complies, and whisper-screams, annoyed, "Are you telling me to be quiet in the middle of a battl-"

The sonic blast from the monster arrives unexpected, and it blasts the high-visibility-orange-and-white-with-retroreflector-gems magical girl into flying over a part of the crowd, and land a fair distance away, ploughing a trench in the ground as the Earth itself slows down her trajectory.

"....I TOLD YOU TO KEEP SILENT!!!", screams a visibly deafened Enji.

"WHAT?!", screams back a discombobulated Cure Spanner, her eyes two mere slits as she's obviously trying her best to kickstart her brain back into working order.

Yaling Yao has posed:
Of course once the instinctive reactions about the shoot is over, Yaling remembers they are at a public events and there are people there, even if it wasn't for BaiBai intervening with a slight boop of her tail. "Do mind yourself. Don't lose focus now", the snake whispers to her.

She starts looking around for a way to lead people away in all safety. Maybe she can create vines to serve as guardrails? She can probably do as much. She doesn't have time to actually put that into practice when the sound blast reaches her, throwing her to the ground. "Owww", she exclaims,before noticing that all the noises from the crowd are now fainter and moreover there is obnoxious ringing in her ears. She will have to manage.

She is about to try and lead away people from the danger when that flying Precure calls for an entire group of birds and starts leading people to safety. And he can fly on his own!? "That's so awesome, Cure Wing!", she says. With him taking care of that, she starts playing her ethereal pipa, asking the sky for rain that would dissipate the scorching heat that would dry the cuttings. And the sky answers, clouds quickly gathering and giving purifying droplets.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "No tentacles!" The Puella Magi sees the cords swinging towards her and leaps to dodge them, but it still clips one of her feet, sending her tumbling through the air-- and into Taro's arms. There is no time to think about how she feels about that. "Uh, really? Like what? Wait, you ag--"

    She furrows her brow briefly.

    "...You've dealt with monsters before. Alright," she stands in front of him protectively, conjuring her rocket launcher again. "Let's hear it."

    She takes aim and then remembers there's someone behind her. "Oh wait shit. Backblast clear!" Hopefully Taro knows to duck or step aside. She does at the last split-second change it so that the backblast is a saltwater counterweight instead of just... explosion, but it's still probably not pleasant to be hit by.

    The rocket, meanwhile, is aimed to airburst near one of the speakers! She can work on breaking some of its attack forms while the others find a way to damage its body, at least!

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
Another shriek of static tumbles out of the speakers when Tuxedo Mask's first rose strikes true, slicing through cable. Briefly, the sound cuts off, but then dark energy seems to extend from each of the two ends of shorn cables, pulling them back together like some sort of evil, noxious electrical tape.

As its voice, so to speak, is returned to it, the spotlight tracks Cure Spanner's tumble through the air like she's a gymnast at a circus performance and not, in fact, a magical girl that just got blasted with a sound wave. The spotlight head rotates this way and that, focusing on her, but the grill coils spread out from its undercarriage, glowing orange-white and causing the local temperature to skyrocket!

If only it had tried that trick first, before Cure Suzhen's purifying rain droplets begin to fall. They hit the grill coils with a hiss, and while the area is now bathed in steam like they're all in a bathhouse, things are cooling down rapidly.

However, the purification only seems to slow the monster down, not stop it. Dark energy glows where the droplets hit it, healing over the pinpricks of damage. The same can't be said for the rocket that spirals through the air and impacts one of the speakers, which shorts out the shrieking sound. Temporarily, at least, because while the speaker does not reassemble, wires reach out from within the creature's bulk to absorb the components, dark energy healing the worst of the damage as the parts are repurposed elsewhere.

Civilians still scramble to get away from it, but the arrival of helpful feathered friends helps a great deal thanks to Cure Wing, even if some of them are temporarily perplexed by the fact birds are helping them.

Speaking of (potentially) helpful birds: The tapping on Sho's skull continues, Don Pekku fluttering above him as the young man tries (and fails) to protect himself with his arms. It goes on until Sho's back on his feet, clearly not understanding the whole magic thing that Taro is telling him about. He can only shake his head no about the keys; he's only here as a worker, not the foreman. After a hesitant moment, he goes for his toolbelt.

"Oh, you won't be needing that laddie!" the bird says, and then it reaches into its work vest with his beak. As he digs around for something, he calls out to the retreating Taro, "Looks like it's capable of both kinds! A truly destructive beastie!"

Somehow the bird's search results in something comically large pulled from his vest, this something else also landing on Sho's head, causing him to fall back to the grass.

But apparently he has a very hard head! Because he sits back up, rubbing it, but otherwise uninjured. Sho stares at the ornate hammer resting in the grass next to him, made of something that looks like both gemstone and metal at the same time, or perhaps something in-between. The face of it -- the part that impacts surfaces like nailheads and the like -- is strangely heart-shaped, and a bit bigger than international standards for a hammer.

Sho picks it up. He looks at it in his hand, testing its weight. "Um, okay... what should I do with this hammer?"

"It's a shifting sledge, and don't you feel it inside yourself? Calling out to you, telling you what to do?"

There is a long, lingering pause.


Don Pekku is Not. Amused. "Try harder."

This makes Sho's shoulders hike upwards, and his chin duck down. His brows draw together as he stares at the sledge, which begins to glow in his hand. A sudden breeze tugs at his hair and clothing.

Taro Yamada has posed:
"Thank you, Chief Pekku! The bird says both electrical and normal fire? Drat! Water would put out normal fires but risked electrocution for electrical fires, so if they want to minimize civvie damage enough that he can get more strawberries he'll have to be ready to improvize. "I was bitten by a yokai when I was ten and now I can't avoid the damn things," Taro tells Amy - which is basically the truth, just omitting the 'turn into a monster that feeds on humans' and 'aging drastically' slowed bits. Now's not the time! (Never is the time, honestly!) "Feels like the infestation is a lot worse in Tokyo than back at home. What are they feeding these things?"

And then Amy roars, "Backblast Clear!" and Taro may not know a lot about bazookas, but he's had to yell 'knife!' in a kitchen enough times to know a warning when he hears it. He drops like a ragdoll just in time, only to see the water burst out of the cannon as a missile shoots towards the speaker. The rocket is impressive, truly, but even moreso is -

"Amy, if your gun can backblast water, can it backblast dirt? If that thing starts an electrical fire, we're going to need to put it out fast - and despite my hopes, I don't think birdboy back there can summon a bulldozer."

He's a big believer in the power of cars. The Back Street Slasher has been on the wrong end of one enough times to understand the power of a ton of metal careening at high velocity. (He healed, it's fiiiine. It's not as if a car is as scary as Fuyuko-sense!)

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
Miya wobbles to her feet, and taps the little pouch dangling from her belt. Her spanner shimmers with light, and reforms as a massive screwdriver. Like, ridiculously large prop screwdriver sized.

"You've said my gloves are insulated, right?", Miya asks Enji.

"WHAT?!", says Enji, as he makes squeaking sounds by twisting his pinky finger in is ears.


"OF THE HAVE CLOVES WILL BE INUNDATED, IF THE MONSTER BREAKS THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM!", Enji yells back. Now it's time to unclog the other ear.


Enji runs to catch up with Cure Spanner, but his stubby little legs do not allow for the same level of acceleration as the magical girl can attain. All he can manage, for now, is witnessing Amy's missile blasting the loudspeaker.

"I hope the repairs will work," Miya says, hurling herself at the monster through the limited visibility of the area, and attempting to find some sort of panel to open, to attempt repairs, or keep a keen eye open for any hint of anything that can be fixed, be it a live wire or anything of the sort.

"I have all sort of repair equipment with me, but I have no idea of how to -fix- this..."

She narrows her eyes. "...yet..."

Amanda Faust has posed:
    ("Oh damn." Amy replies, upon hearing Taro's Origin Story.)

    "Fff...great, it heals. Guess we have to power through its energy until it can't regenerate anymore." Amy observes. More quietly, she adds: "[Mood.]" She recognizes that her own 'immortality' has the same counter, after all. "At least with the civilians out of the way it won't be able to gather more to fuel itself. We'll make Obsidian's latest investment a total loss."

    She glances over at the discussion with the civilian who has a talking bird. "The right kinda fire extinguisher stops both, right? Smother it in CO2, no more fire. And yeah, welcome to magic craziness. Aren't you gonna give him the ability to transform?"

    Amy glances back to Taro. "Uhhhh... I don't know. Wost case I try it and it doesn't work, I guess."

    She stops and stares, mouth agape, as it turns out the new boy's henshin is a GIANT HAMMER.

    "Aww man. If we weren't fighting a monster made of cables, I could think of some combo attacks... I don't suppose you could put some cutting blades on the front of that?"

    She remains near Taro, but this time makes sure he's not directly behind her as she takes aim at another speaker. "What kind of youma was it, anyway? Backblast clear!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
It's just... healing itself with dark energy. Tuxedo Mask, shaking his head as if that'll stop the ringing, is half-amused and half-exasperated: he could to that, once upon a terrible time, too. This thing also reminds him of the monster that showed up when the girl that just got punted through the air by the soundwave henshined for the first time...

Which means that all they can do is hold it steady and keep it from setting the area on fire until someone who knows what they're doing can do something. Well! That's definitely something he can do! --and given the GIANT HAMMER?!?! it looks like someone else is showing up that might know what's going on, too!

"Tuxedo la Smoking Bomber!" the too-tall boy yells out, standing and flinging his arm out at the monster. He'll charge it better the next time he throws it out, but a bright gold-white beam of kinetic force laser -- no matter how strong it is or isn't -- should at least make more of a temporary dent than a rose!

The beam rushes out from a ball of energy in front of his hand, aimed for the blender 'head'!

Yaling Yao has posed:
So in a way her trick has worked somehow even if it now brings a simple but important disadvantage for Cure Suzhen: with the steam in the air and her ears still recovering from the sound blast, she can neither hear nor see anything. "This is quite a pickle", she grins nervously as she tries to understand where the youma might be now.

The only indication that informs her BaiBai is trying to tell her something is the snake's tongue hissing against her cheek, all that it accomplished is making her involuntarily smile from the tickling sensation. "I can't hear you, BaiBai, just later, ok?", she remarks to the fairy snake.

She will have to do something about the mist first if she wants to contribute anything at all. Air start becoming agitated around her as she plays her pipa once more, before the breeze becomes a strong wind that cuts through the steam and disperses it. "This is my teacher's teacher's Li Shan Storm! Of course, the possibility that she pointed the storm in the right direction is actually quite low, but despite all odds, the wind is raging furiously against the youma, possibly damaging it.

"That hammer looks neat!", Yaling says once she sees the glowing hammer. "Are you going to stop its path?" Her ears have at least recovered enough to hear an answer. Mostly. "Do you need a hand, any healing?", she asks to the other heroes.

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
With Amy and Taro so close together, it is perhaps not a surprise that the monster turns on them next. The blender's -- or maybe that's from a juicer? -- blades begin to whirr dangerously. And even more dangerously, they fire from within the glass enclosure, aiming towards the both of them!

If not for that well-timed blast from Tuxedo Kamen, which obliterates almost all of the flying blades, there would be many more sharp objects hurtling through the air towards them to worry about.

The beam also hits the monster's blender bits, but the dark energy is too much to overcome. It may knock the monster back a few steps, but already it is reforming what was damaged.

One of the generators still on the ground is sparking like crazy, so hopefully Cure Spanner's gloves are indeed insulated! There is a panel accessible in the side as the thing continues to chug along, though opening it will only reveal a snarl of cables, writhing around in its insides. It's definitely part of the power structure for the beast, but there's no obvious way of fixing it just yet beyond trying to disconnect wires. And reaching in there looks dangerous!

When Don Pekku is thanked by Taro, he chirps a happy little musical note that floats in the air, but then he flaps his wings and frowns his beak in a way that seems perturbed. "Now you see here, lassie, orientation is an important part of the on-boarding process! Safety regulations and all, these things can't be rushed!"

Sho, meanwhile, hasn't taken his eyes off his hammer. In fact, when he responds with a distant, "We have fire extinguishers in all of the booths," the big monster takes this opportunity to pull several from the depths of its techno-bulk and begins spraying the foam at Cure Suzhen and Tuxedo Kamen! But Cure Suzhen's expertly aimed windstorm helps to blow the worst of it back, making it (and the steam) blow back against the monster itself. And this, too, pushes it back a few steps, just as Tuxedo Kamen's attack had managed.

The last question about Sho's hammer, from Amy, goes unanswered. Because he's started to glow slightly, just the outline of him, as if backlit by the sun.

"Hardworkin' Pretty Cure! Clock In!"

A staccato beat of drums that leads an upbeat march kicks off, underlaid with a zinging guitar riff. Sho's shifting sledge glows so bright it whites everything out, only for vision to return on a black and white scene with hi-vis yellow, nails of all shapes and sizes silhouetted in the background.

Another silhouette in the center is Sho, who ducks and and dodges like he's in a capoeira spar, or maybe doing some interpretive breakdancing. Gloves pop onto his hands, reflective bands at the flared-out wrists that match the boots that come into existence right after, reaching up to mid-calf. Poofy shorts are the next piece of his outfit to appear, followed by a slim work shirt with bouncy shoulder-pieces and suspenders flash into being.

Finally, the energy coalesces into a belt and pouch combo of reflective white around Sho's waist, the clasp a yellow retroreflector. As he hops and bounces into place, a few more accessories take form: a choker with a heart-shaped center, buttons on the (many) pockets of his shorts, and then finally his hair gains a bit of volume as it transforms into a bright blond color.

As Sho alights on the ground, he holds his hammer in a mock-salute, holding it between thumb and last two fingers as he flashes the V-sign with the same hand.

"Tear down the walls of your heart! Cure Sledge!"

From his airborne viewing point, Don Pekku flaps his wings together in a way that seems like clapping, almost. "Brilliant, lad! Now it's time for you to get out there and do your job!"

Still standing in his pose, breathing hard, Sho -- no, Cure Sledge -- pants out a, "What--do you--mean?"

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
Cure Spanner's gloves are, indeed, insulated!

"Reaching in there looks dangerous..." Cure Spanner mutters, biting and twisting her lower lip.

She narrows her eyes, considering the next move, while the wind picks up, white lasers pierce the aether, and massive projectiles fly overhead, leaving massive backblasts behind...

...and she shoves her hands in, attempting to find the right cables to fix. Possibly rearrange. Possibly disconnect.

"Can we fix it? YES WE CAN!", exclaims Cure Spanner as a manner of pepe talk, deep in concentration.

"And if we cannot fix it, we can can it! As in, toss it in the can."

* * *

Meanwhile, off in the distance, Enji is still running, and starting to pant a little. "I should have brought my tricked-up forklift...", he mutters to himself, until...

...he stops.

"...I wasn't wrong!", he exclaims. "It's Don Pekko! He's here! And if he's here-"

Rinvigorated by this insight, Enji runs with renewed energy towards his goal.

Or perhaps towards Don Pekko...

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro dives again as the blades come whirling towards him, but a blast from Tuxedo Kamen knocks them out of the way. Boy, he owed him... uh. Not an apology, the Slasher did not apologize, but maybe more free food? Civilian to hero, that kind of thing.

As he gets up, he watches as Cure Sledge transforms into beautiful, gleaming armor and a powerful hammer, and the look on his face is unvarnished jealousy. He wants magic tools too! This is so unfair! Like, it's sick as hell being a terrifying yokai stalking the streets but he could have a magic car and a magic swrod and - oh, no, no, don't get distracted. No playing with toys until the work is done.

"Dunno what kind of yokai it was. It wasn't like any of the ones I've seen here in Tokyo - not the mermaid stuff, or this killer kitchen appliance, or that big portal and explosion near the bank. It was a creature of pure hunger."

He looks between Cure Sledge and Amy and then back at the beast whipping out fire extinguishers to attack. "...I'd offer to get a fire extinguisher but I think that thing beat me to it," he grumbles. "Use that hammer to break that thing apart, kid, monsters are usually weak to magic. I'll leave fire duty to you three - I'll help tear that generator apart, I actually have the tools to help with that."

And with that, he makes a dash down the battlefield, jumping over a stray tentacle-wire to make it to the generator. He steadies himself against the generator with rubber gloved hands. "I"m wearing insulation! If you need another pair of hands, I'll do what you tell me!"

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Tuxedo Kamen raises his cape to shield against what's left of the fire extinguisher chemicals that make it as far as him, then shakes it in the wind to get the stuff off. His ears are finally starting to ring less as his healing reduces the damage done, and he almost cheers when the monster is knocked back a couple of feet-

--then he does cheer at the ringing cry of a new Pretty Cure's first transformation! The cheer's cut short as Cure Sledge has the same problem he, Tux, had had at the beginning of the fight: what do???

"HIT IT PROBABLY!" is his best guess.

He jumps up to perch on one of the outdoor lights and pipes down, charging his attack a little more thoroughly this time. It'll take a hot second for him to get it up to finisher duty levels, but everyone else is working really hard at containing the thing, and at least up here he's out of the way and has a good view of the field. In the rain and wind. He's hanging on.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    It's coming at them with a blender? "Idiot. That won't kil--"

    She doesn't expect it to SHOOT them. Tuxedo Mask stops it from being far worse, but one shard of metal grazes her shoulder armor, and another lodges just below her ribcage. She groans, reflexively trying to soldier through it.

    Orientation and safety is an important part of the on-boarding process? "Yeah..." Amy comments, straining to get the words out. "I really wish I'd gotten orientation and safety training..."

    She decides to pull the blade out, hissing through her teeth. The skin and her bodysuit instantly heal and repair, even the blood on her outfit vanishing, and she regenerates enough to stop the internal bleeding before assessing the situation more carefully. ...Yeah. It's not THAT bad, and it's less embarassing than how Tuxedo Mask's healing makes her feel. She regenerates the internal damage too, and lets out a breath of relief as the pain stops.

    Cure Sledge takes the stage! What does he mean? "Hit the monster!" Amy shouts to him.

    Taro was bit by a creature of pure hunger? Huh. "Damn. That sucks." she asides briefly, before shouting to the new Cure again:

    "If you're a Cure, don't you have some kind of Purification technique? That'll probably drain its Dark Energy more efficiently than damaging it!" She hefts her launcher on her shoulder again, ready. "I'll cover you! Go smash it! Time for... Pure-cussive maintenance?"

    She's not sure that was a good pun.

    Either way, she stands ready to try and blow away one of the next weapons it brings out!

Yaling Yao has posed:
"Hey stealing others' ideas is not fair!", Cure Suzhen says when the youma overhears Sho's suggestion and uses the fire estinguisher on them! She is about to try and move out of the way when the foam collides with the wind she had summoned and throws it to the Youma's... face. "Want to try that again? Cheaters don't prosper!" she intimates.

Of course, if the shining hammer was enough to catch her interest, the fact he has trasformed leaves her absolutely amazed! "You are a Precure too! I absolutely have to tell Wukong this. Wing, Sledge and Spanner: 3 Precures! I can't wait to see what she will think of it!"

"This is the third Li Shan technique! I will shine for you a clue on righteousness!" The sky starts to crackle and if the problem is electricity she is going to show it electricity! Lightning falls on Cure Suzhen and when it has stopped, she isn't hurt, rather her fists are surronded by the lightning. "For your refreshment, here is a punch!", she exclaims, rushing towards it and striking it.

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
The monster shrieks out from one of its remaining speakers, a sound of rage and frustration. And static, of course. It whips its many cables in the air, and then tries to bring them down in a slam towards Tuxedo Kamen and Amy! Another snakes out and tries to grab hold of Cure Suzhen, electricity snapping and popping from it, obviously out to try and shock her.

But then of course they meet in the middle in a battle of wills and lightning! Who will reign supreme, cable-snap or Suzhen-punch?

All of this electricity can be traced back to the generator. Inside it is a messy nest of wires that all seem to tangle with each other, so try as she might, Cure Spanner's attempts to disconnect and reconnect only cause the generator to send out more high-voltage jolts of electricity.

From afar, both Don Pekku and Cure Sledge spot the sparking generator where Cure Spanner, and then soon enough Taro, stand.

"Go on, lad," urges Don Pekku, and Sho, blinking from his lack of glasses -- that he somehow doesn't need, at the moment -- looks back at him nervously. But the woodpecker just comes up and knocks him on the head a couple of times, and this is enough to prompt the new Pretty Cure into action.

Everyone's telling him to hit it, Taro and Tuxedo Kamen and Amy, but that sounds scary! And Sho's not a violent kind of guy. What he is, is good with his hands, a good worker, a good fixer. So he knows what to do.

A slow jog becomes an easier run than Sho's ever had in his life, and he leaps, bounding over benches and overturned stands to land in a three point pose near the generator.

"I'm here!" he announces... and then any idea about some kind of justice-filled speech promptly fizzles out. Back thataway, Don Pekku lets out a sad chirp. But he's been told to do a job, so Sledge is going to do it. He rubs his chin with one gloved hand as he looks at the generator, and then nods at Cure Spanner. "Mind if I give it a try?"

Amy's call for percussive (or Pure-cussive, but he doesn't get the pun sadly, at least not until Cure Suzhen explains it) maintenance earns a nod. They're on the same wavelength! And so Cure Sledge hefts his hammer, up, up, into the air, his arms tense with the effort he's about to bring down to bear. Then with a whoosh of air and a shout of effort, he slams the hammer down towards the generator!!!

Only to stop an inch or so above it, and then he frowns, head tilting to one side. Sho adjusts his angle and gives it a little tap, just a boop of the hammer, and suddenly it... stops sparking! "Just needed a little love," he announces.

No more power flows into the beast. Its speakers crackle a final time, and though its cables continue to wave through the air in attempts to try and knock its foes down, it's clearly weakened! Time to take it out!

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
Ohhh that will never do, that attack coming at him-- how rude! He was up out of the way, too! Tuxedo Mask at least has enough warning, seeing it coming, to jump off his tall thing while keeping his fist tight to his chest. Cape billowing out behind him, the pretty soldier of unnecessary acrobatics does a somersault midair before doing a neat two-point landing.

"Tuxedo," he starts, then flings his glowing fist out in front of him.

"La Smoking," he continues, voice growing more strident, and then he opens that glowing hand and a growing ball of energy forms in front of it again--

--and then he yells out, the force of the laser blast enough to kick him back a half step, "Bomber!!"


Amanda Faust has posed:
    Damn, she wasn't prepared for it to do that. "Fff--!" Amy fires at the base of the cables and then tries to dodge, crying out as cables slam into her. She huddles against the ground, trying to be small and hit by fewer wires, but even if she raises her launcher over her head like a shield they can just wrap around and hit her in the back. This is frustrating, wires aren't really the most explodable...

    The newly-minted Cure Sledge shuts off its electricity, so much for the chance a bladed or purifying hammer would finish off the monster... they'll have to find another finisher.

    Puella Magi Rocket Red grits her teeth, turns off pain, and moves to a kneeling firing position. Swearing under her breath, this time she fires a missile that homes in on the core of the monster's body to try and lodge there and BURN. She can't cut it well, so she'll resort to MELTing as big a chunk of it as she can!

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
Miya looks up from the writhing mass of cables. "This is a writhing mess of cables," she declares in frustration, underlining her displeasure with a grunt. "I just wish- oh, hey! Reinforcements!", she exclaims, as she sees Taro and Cure Sledge come to save the day.

"Guys, I think this thing is way past repair. We need to jump straight to product recall and safe disposal. In fact-"

Cure Spanner stops in her tracks, recognizing the style of Cure Sledge outfit. "Wait, wait, are you a Hardworkin' Pretty Cure?!"

But there is no time."You! With the insulated gloves!", she exclaims in the direction of Taro. "Think you can keep unplugging the cables for us while we go for a final attack? It's not sparking right now, but we all know that safety demands all electrical appliances be disconnected before working on them! Even if what we're about to do seems innocuous enough, better safe than sorry."


"CURE SPANNER!", comes Enji's shouting voice from afar. "STOP TALKING SHOP AND FOCUS ON THE BATTLE!"

"Oh! Right! You, with the sledgehammer... you can certainly give it a try if you want, but... How about we join forces for something more awesome?" She grins, still hanging onto the monster, but extending her hand to Sho in more of a metaphorical than literal invitation to join forces. "You hit it with your amazing hammer, and me..." She grins, and by sheer will, she causes her drill hair to rev up to a dizzying speed with a high-pitched whirr. "I go do my thing!"

She leaps backwards, and begins unleashing all sorts of martial arts moves on the monster: kicks, spinning kicks, flying kicks, punches, chops, and drill jabs, single jabs, double jabs with both drills.

As she pushes herself to do a flip-jump in the air, the sheer angular momentum of her drills making her describe complex patterns in the air, she exclaims, "Join me! We can be Team Rotary Hammer!", before straightening up her drills and plummeting straight down to strike the abomination drillbits-first.

Taro Yamada has posed:
Taro looks between Cure Spanner and Cure Sledge, nodding. "I"ll keep unplugging them. You all keep that thing busy. Try and keep it from shooting more blades at me, ok? I'll go as fast as I can to safely unplug this thing."

He's pretty sure it won't, since the tides are turning and it's on the back foot now, but he'd rather be sure he's got someone covering him! Neither electrical burns nor major cuts were fun!

And with that, he begins taking apart the wire set up quickly and effeciently, gloved hands meticulously unplugging and seperating the wires. He's no proper electrician, but he's had enough experience doing emergency repairs or jack of all trades commissions to know how to dismantle this thing safely.

Yaling Yao has posed:
Everything crackles! Buzzes! The air itself is full of electricity with this thunderous mirror match between the youma and Cure Suzhen! The electric cable has coiled itself around Yaling's electric fist, but the layer of lightning is protecting the Historic Precure from the damage. They are completely equal, even as Cure Suzhen is pulling and twisting the cable trying to get it to snap!

"Cure Suzhen, call to the thunder again!", BaiBai hisses seeing her student's predicament. "Eh? Again? I mean, sure, just a sec! I am not emotionally ready!" BaiBai blinks. She has practiced this technique a thousand times. She takes a deep breath and says "Fine I am ready now! I will take a crack at it! Li Shan Shock!" Lightning falls down once more onto Yaling, disintegrating the table and doubling the coat of lightning in size. "Yaah! Take this!", she exclaims, punching the youma this time!

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
It seems even the monster itself knows it's on shaky foundations. One of its last speakers lets out a feeble call, just a hiss of static now, and its cables withdraw from going out on all-out-attack to instead defend itself, trying to wave off those that come for it.

Because it is slowly losing its will to fight, with each wire separated from its housing thanks to Taro. Every time another comes disconnected it, the volume from the speaker drops and its spotlight head flickers, dimming slowly. Now thoroughly weakened, it can barely lift its cables at all!

A blast of kinetic energy from Tuxedo Kamen impacts it near its head, shearing off blenders and speakers alike, sending the parts tumbling to the ground while the many connecting wires that held the bulk of the monster together are completely obliterated by the beam. It staggers backwards, unsteady on the coiling mass of wires that make up its body. Then, it's slammed backwards by the missile that hits it dead center, causing another one of those desperate hissing cries. A red mess of molten metal gathers within it, melting it into slag from the inside out.

That red-hot core begins to spread outwards, a fire burning from the inside out that even its lagging extinguishers cannot fight. And then it gets a shock to its system as Cure Suzhen matches it volt for volt, until they make a complete circuit, in perfect electrical equilibrium.

Except then Suzhen calls down the lightning again, and it surges forth, burning through cables and shorting them out! Her punch pushes through the mass of wires that were attacking her, and it lands in the perfect spot to finally completely destabilize it, sending the monster careening into a pile!

Now it just needs to be pieced out for spare parts! In response to Cure Spanner's fangirling, Cure Sledge shyly holds up his hammer for viewing, though when she reorients them towards the battle, he pulls it closer to himself. "Right," he says, unsure but willing, and he spins on his heel to face the monster. "Let's do this! Together!"

As Spanner goes in to begin attacking it, Sledge is right behind her. As each hit lands, Sledge is there to bring the hammer down into the monster, sending it right back into range for Spanner's next punch or kick or drill-hit from the other side. Like ping-pong, the big bulk of techno-mechanical detritus is bounced back and forth between the two Pretty Cures.

Cure Sledge ascends in one mighty leap to come up level with Cure Spanner in the air, and together they descend with the momentum of gravity, drills and hammer joining together to slam into it from above. Blenders and juicers and speakers and grills alike combust into parts that scatter across the area as the pure concussive force of their combined might splits the monster deftly into pieces!

The dark energy disperses. Mechanical parts and cabling are scattered across the park, but aside for the immediate area, nothing else is worse for wear. And best of all: the monster is destroyed. The day is saved!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Are you a Hardworkin' Pretty Cure?!

    What. There are subtypes of magical girl? Well, magical person?

    Could there be themed teams of Puella Magi out there somewhere? Are there teammates out there or who haven't wished yet? A team of Heavy Ordnance Puella Magi? Or maybe they all have different modern weapons. Or maybe they're themed around different aspects of retro-futurism, given her outfit. Or maybe they're all, like her, --"

    She shakes her head. It's bad to hope for that. No more people should be condemned to becoming Witches.

    Aww damn, all their attacks are coming together now! As Cure Suzhen electrocutes the monster, she smirks and mutters, "Resistance is useless..."

    And then the two Hardworkin' Pretty Cures smack it back and forth! "Aww, nice!" Amy cheers.

    When the combo attack finishes and the monster explodes into parts, Amy stands up and walks forward, clapping. "Oh, that was really cool. Do you have a name for your combo attack? Like..." She taps her chin thoughtfully. "'Taking them to the hardware store'? No, that doesn't quite..."

    "Oh right, so, you're new, huh? Yeah, magic's real and stuff, I'm happy to help explain anything I know! Welcome to... this."

    She smiles and gestures around them, then holds a hand to her chest, "I'm Magical Rocket Girl Red, a Puella Magi. Pleased to meet you!" She holds out a hand to shake.

Mamoru Chiba has posed:
"And that's what I think of Kazuo's kale smoothie idea," Tuxedo Kamen says firmly to no one, dusting off his hands as he surveys the parts scattered everywhere and the wreck of the vendor cart.

He glances around, then spots what he's looking for. Picking up his hat, he vanishes it into thin air and calls out, "Hey Red, pass out my number for me to anyone who wants it, but don't give away any secrets. We're in mixed company~! I've got a date, I'll see you all later."

With that, the most formally dressed mahou on the block is out, superjumping away.

Taro Yamada has posed:
The machine is unwired. The monster is destroyed. Taro's adreneline finally breaks, and he catches himself on the generator before his sudden exhaustion makes him fall to his knees.

He's fought yokai on his own now and then over the years - not OFTEN, they didn't show up every month the way they did here in Tokyo, but he'd done it - but he usually was able to do it as a fewllow monster, not just a human. Woof! He's tired.

He wobbles over to the group and flops down in the grass, panting heavily as his nerves catch up with him.

"Thanks for the save!" he shouts after the rapidly disappearing Tuxedo Kamen.

"Good job," he tells Cures. "All of you. Nice work." Thumbs up! Wheeze. "Did you see if the strawberry cart has any left?" he asks Amy.

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
Cure Spanner is now standing right next to Cure Sledge. She is panting, still taking in the outcome of the battle. It is clear that the adrenalin rush still hasn't worn out, it shows in her eyes.

But then, after two or three cycles of breathing in and out, her smile widens.

"We... we did it." She turns to Cure Sledge. We did it! WE DID IT!", she rejoices and spreads her arms. "By the way... sorry for not introducing myself properly earlier. I'm Cure Spanner, and I would like to give you my most heartfelt thank you!", she says to Cure Sledge. "AND A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU, OF COURSE!", she also says to everyone around.

"But I think I owe a special one to-"

"Don Pekku!", exclaims Enji, interrupting Cure Spanner while likely unaware of the context. "I'm pretty sure I've heard Don Pekku's voice. Where's that Rubble-Rouser?", he exclaims, clearly amused and excited at the prospect of meeting him, sounding like the moniker was meant more out of jocular familiarity than actual animosity.

Perhaps the audience won't get to see their encounter on camera, today, but the implication has been dropped.

"Oh. Uh, yeah, thanks! Welcome to this, whatever it is."

If the 'whatever it is' sounded a bit unsettling and possibly discomforting, Cure Spanner is ready to follow with the warmest, most radiant, cheerful smile, and deliver a reassuring, "I still have no idea of what's going on!"

Miya Sakamoto has posed:
"Pleased to meet you, Magical Rocket Girl Red. I'm Cure Spanner, this is Enji, and- hm. I dunno, haven't thought of a name yet. Was thinking something rotary hammer themed, but..." After a short hesitation, she adds, "...I haven't really thought much about it." She casts a sideways glance to Cure Sledge

Yaling Yao has posed:
"Phew, everyone is saved, right?", Yaling exhales a breath in relief as Cure Sledge and Cure Spanner dispose of the youma together. "Well, at least, that's a positive, and it won't take too long to get in order", she observes, looking at the positive side. There are scraps everywhere.

"Ok, let's do something about it", Yaling resolves, materialising her ethereal jade pipa once more. As a relaxing music starts to spread, the plants react to it, growing more, even kinds that shouldn't normally be there. "Precure Verdant Harmony!", If anybody knows about the various species of plants, they will be able to recognise various medicinal plants.

But that's not all, the magical energy responsible for it starts helping with healing the wounds of anybody there, and lastly, vines sprout up, with a position that would make one think they are waiting for Cure Suzhen to say something. "Please, help clean up", she says, and the vines immediately start doing just that, gathering all the junk.

"Hello, everyone! Well, it's late for greetings, but you were awesome!", Cure Suzhen says, heading towards the group and joining the introductions. "I am a Precure too, a Historic Precure. My name is Cure Suzhen, and the snake is at my neck is Lady Bai Suzhen, but just call her BaiBai." The snake nods and adds in her best approximation of a smile. "Yes, that nickname works. Thanks for being at the right place at the right time, everyone. I would have been worried had my pupil been alone."

Cure Sledge (247) has posed:
At the time, Sho didn't have an answer for Cure Spanner. Because he had no idea. But he smiles at her because they're obviously teammates, look how they match!

After things settle down, he shoulders his sledgehammer and looks around at everyone. Most of all Spanner, but he looks surprised at the announcement (and subsequent disappearance of) Tuxedo Kamen, before he blinks at Amy.

"Oh, um, well... I'm--" This is when the woodpecker emerges, to perch on Sho's head. And this is enough reminder to say: "I'm Cure Sledge!" He looks nervous as he shakes Amy's hand, but he plasters on a watery smile that says he's trying his best in a very strange situation. "Pleased to meet you too!"

He looks more than a little uncertain at the welcome, not knowing how different things are in the magical worlds he's read about versus what the truth really is, but suspecting somewhat from that introduction. Still, Cure Spanner's cheerfulness helps him to smile. He nods to her and then echoes her thanks with a, "Yeah, you were all amazing, wow! So cool!"

Atop him, Don Pekku preens a few feathers and knocks on Sho's head to stop his fanboying, which earns a one-eyed wince from the new PreCure. "Aye, Chief Enji, it's me indeed," the bird says as he looks at his fellow Kingdom of Building citizen.

Meanwhile, Sho is looking around wide-eyed at the mess they've made. Well, the monster did it, but he certainly feels responsible! "I'm going to try and clean this place up a bit," he begins, but then Cure Suzhen begins to call forth plants with that wonderful music. His eyes grow wide, and he bounces on the balls of his feet. "Yes! Teamwork! Thank you!"

He repeats his introduction to Cure Suzhen, including Don Pekku in it as well this time around, and then he turns to where the vines are already gathering things up. "Let's get to work!"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The strawberry cart? "The people abandoned it, though... well, I guess that's our reward for beating the monster..."

    In the meantime, a text notification noise comes from her left belt pouch. She looks at her phone, taps it a few times, and puts it back in the pouch.
    Spanner has no idea what's going on? "Really? Like, none at all? No one's talked to you about villains gathering dark energy and Eclipse Zones and all that? Nice to meet you, too." She offers the contractor-themed magical girl a handshake too. "I mean I did see you before, but I guess we didn't really get to talk..."

    A team of contractor-themed magical girls, huh? Her thoughts drift towards her earlier thought of hypothetical magical girl teams. Is there more likely to be another like me there? She shakes her head slightly. Stop looking for things that aren't there, Amanda. There probably aren't any others.

    "...We can trade numbers, if you want. Tuxedo Mask said to share his, too." She offers to them. May as well stick around and help with the cleanup, although before getting to that: She does get some strawberries, bringing some to Taro as well! "I had no idea grilled strawberries were a thing..."