1527/Appetite for (Destruction) Friendship

From Radiant Heart MUSH

Appetite for (Destruction) Friendship
Date of Scene: 11 May 2024
Location: Korma Chameleon
Synopsis: Hinoiri comes across Bow as he's enjoying a post work meal. They talk a lot about their respective SOs and share information that they may not have known about the other. But hey, they agreed to be friends for Sayaka's sake!
Cast of Characters: Bow, Hinoiri Kirara

Bow has posed:
Despite having spent two weeks in the Silver Imperium, Bow only missed one day of work. Thankfully, with Rashmi also having been missing, there was not a huge problem with this, just a small talk about making sure to warn her father in advance next time - which, well, Bow couldn't really argue with.

It's the close of his shift at the restaurant, and Bow's dressed in the chef's clothing - abs covered because well, health and safety reasons. As he takes off his apron, he grabs the plate that he had ordered for himself to make his way to a table to sit and enjoy a meal before he heads back to the dorms.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara was hungry and heading home... so she decided to get both her, and Double Trouble, a treat. Double Trouble deserved it. In fact, they likely needed it. She was going to get them anything and everything they wanted.

However, as she walked in, her eyes fell on Bow and... Huh. She'd quickly place her order, with the tip that, frankly, was rather generous. Like, the only people she seemed to actually respect really did seem to be in the service industry.

However, once ordered she slid into the seat opposite Bow. "Heyyyyyy. Bow, right? Cause the presents, the arrows and the... shoe laces? Sorry. Only heard it once. Hinoiri Kirara. Been meaning to meet you outside of like... work stuff. Figured I'd say hi."

Bow has posed:
The curry was really really good tonight. Bow was tucking into his meal. Earth palace food was good, but it was nice to have Earth food - though he really is starting to miss Etherian cuisine. It may be time to try to figure out how to recreate the slaw buns that Glimmer was such a pro at making. He was just about to start thinking a little too hard on that when a voice interrupts his thoughts.

He glances up at the girl and he offers a polite smile. Why is it so polite? "We've met." he points out to her with a thoughtful look. "Competitive karaoke? Sayaka's friend. Threatened to make my life tartar sauce, whatever that means, if I hurt her."

Yes, he comes from a backwater world that's constantly in a state of war and his group wisdom stat is a five, but Bow does have a decent memory most of the time and can catch both context clues and threats with relative ease.

There's a hint of amusement as she slips into the seat across from him. "I work here. Just got off. Grab a seat if you want, figured you came over for a reason, but if it was just to say hi." So technicanlly not outside work stuff, but it's fine!

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times. To be honest? A lot of that night was a blur. She just remembered wanting to smash Madoka into the wall, musically. Wow. Maybe she was a bit too competitive. "Well, as I said. Outside of work." ... Karaoke wasn't work. But, you know. Her ego gotta protect itself, yo.

However, she did smile at him none the less. "But yeah. I figured I should try and put in a bit of effort, get to know you a bit. Sayaka is a pretty great girl and well... I guess it only makes sense that you'd be pretty great too, if she's fallen that hard for you."

She seemed to be trying to be friendly, at least. Then...

"And... well... I should probably get to know you because..." Slow, deep breath. "Sayaka's pretty great, so I'm not sure if she told you, but uhhhh... I'm... Sunbreaker. And... are you familiar with a person named... Double Trouble? Reptile? Actor? Fabulous?"

Bow has posed:
"Sayaka is an amazing girl." Bow doesn't correct, but that is the word he choses to use. But he's going to let Hinoiri finish. And she lays it all out on the table. Every card. From the fact that she's really Sunbreaker to Double Trouble. And he draws in a breath, setting down his fork to consider his thoughts and organize them into something cohesive. Finally, he meets Hinoiri's eyes. "She's dealt with a lot. And I'm sure that there are many things she has not told me yet, and my sincerest wish is that someday she feels comfortable enough to share everything she wants with me without her fearing that I will leave her." It's easy to figure out where he got that thought from.

"And in spite of all the things that had happened to her before she came into my life, her heart is still open to try to do the best for all of her friends. I can respect that. I can appreciate that. And I can love her for it. I want to continue to be as forgiving as she is. She's a great example - and where I came from? Someone that was an enemy -- became our greatest ally. So. There is precedent that even someone that has done all that you have can still find her way."

Then, there's the mention of Double Trouble. Hinoiri can see his hands clench. He knows how dangerous that they are. "Yes. I'm aware of them." he finally relents, which also tips his hand that he came from the same world that they did. He has so much more to say and she can see that on his face, but his fingers squeeze into his palm and he calms down. "I knew they were here already."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara sighs and then gives a nod. "Yes. She did. She's been through a tartarus of a lot. I... made her promise not to tell anyone. Ever. And... since I've since kind of... outted myself enough, I don't think that it really matters. But Sayaka's good like that, she'll keep her word. So... don't take it personally that she didn't tell you. She didn't tell Madoka, either, and they're like... best friends their entire lives. She's.... someone you can trust. Really trust."

"... And yeah. If I ever get what I want, my ascension, then... well, while I'm here? I'd likely be your greatest ally. I'm actually competent, for one. That's a heck of a low bar, I thought, but amazing how many people just... limbo under it. So... who was the person who became your greatest ally?"

However, the reaction made her sigh and her gaze soften. "I'm guessing you two were enemies? They're... well... they're one of my allies. And... maybe... kind of more? But, ummmm... they... recently almost died. Was... planning to get them something nice, while they were recovering. Curious if you had any suggestions but starting to think that might be a bad idea... heh... eh..."

Bow has posed:
"I know she's trustworthy..." Bow starts to say, a draw of breath, a lift of his brows in thought. Did Double-Trouble not tell her? Maybe they didn't know. "Well, if you know Double Trouble... then you probably know Catra as well. And you can ask her about the Force Captain that was her best friend, until she realized the truth about what the Horde was doing to Etheria - and how that former Force Captain became best friends with a Queen and an archer."

"I'm assuming that Double Trouble has told you everything they've done in the past. But just in case they haven't, I'll give you the short version. Double Trouble pretended to be a Princess, and perhaps we were too trusting to take Flutterina in, but at the same time - we were a Rebellion that needed all the help we could get. And once they were in? They attempted to seperate us by trying to turn Adora and I against Glimmer, and eventually? They kept us busy while the Horde rolled into Salienas and completely destroyed the kingdom - all while Double Trouble gloated about how amazing their performance was. And that may be something that brings you joy. But you'll forgive me if I don't feel the same. But... it does bring a question."

"Since... they are more." Bow knows what that means. He understands that well. "When did you and them start seeing each other?" he asks.

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times before... "Oh. OH! You mean... yeah. Adora. Heh... not the biggest fan. Namely cause she tried to kill me that one time. Just... stabby. Very stabby, that one. Other than that... kind of okay. Swiftwind's cool and he vouches for her."

"And... yeah. Catra's a mess. I've been trying to help her, but she can take a bit to catch on sometimes. I get it, though. Believe it or not, I have been through some of the stuff she has been."

As if she wasn't a mess.

However, when Bow asked that, she cringed. "I'll... be entirely honest. I'm not... really... sure? It was, well... it just kind of happened. One day they just kind of decided it was going to happen and I just... went along with it? Sort of? More to it than that, but... that about sums it up, I guess."

She did, at least, look uncomfortable, leaning back in her chair. "And... I... I don't really... know about that. The war, they never really... mentioned that part. Sorry about that, I mean..." she trailed off, unsure of what to say. "Yeah... they're kind of... I know they're a bit messed up at times... but... I think they're... there's some good there. A lot of good there. I'm sure you never saw it, being on opposite sides and all... but you know... it's not all black and white, one side is all good, one is all bad." Says the girl who's on the bad guy side.

Bow has posed:
"Yes, well. There were circumstances at the time that led to that happening, but she's recovering. I hope that she'll start to be... herself again. I miss my friend. She might as well be like Glimmer right now. Out of reach, out of touch. But I'm not giving up on her. Because I'm stubborn and I don't give up on anyone." Bow admits as he considers his words. He's not looking to rile up Hinoiri, but at the same time, he's justifiably angry and just keeping it under control.

"Adora still believes in Catra. I know she hurt her. A lot. And maybe that can't be repaired. But it won't get repaired if they don't try. But that's not my horse, not my race." he admits.

"Did Sayaka know it just kind of happened?" It's a guess. But an educated guess. He doesn't know the real reason that Sayaka and Hinoiri broke up - but he can guess. Even if it's wrong. "I know you still want to be friends with Sayaka. And she still wants to be your best friend. And I can support her on that."

"And no, I assumed that Double Trouble would hide the dirty parts of what she did. And I'm sure she'll hide behind her being a good little Horde trooper. But..." And he seems to be on the verge of remembering something and for a moment, he seems to have a focus, but just like that, it's gone.

"You're right. There's things that were done that weren't all black and white. But she didn't have to walk the streets of Salienas after it fell. It wasn't much different than seeing what happened to the Moon Kingdom."

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara blinked a few times before sighing. "Yeah.... yeah. Sayaka is... the same way. She... won't give up on anyone, no matter how much they might deserve to be given up on," she mumbled, shaking her head. "And probably. Catra still has it pretty hard for that girl. But not like it can be forced. Not that I blame her for being mad at her, though. Like... Adora did ask for a lot. Sure, to you lot this Horde might have just been the big bad guys. But to Catra? Only home she ever knew. And it's kind of a lot to ask of someone... to just abandon their home, their life... so they can come be your sidekick fighting the people you once knew."

The comment on Sayaka made her cringe. She wondered if he'd put it together... no. Unlikely. "Not sure. Her and I haven't really... talked about our relationships, in general. It can be a bit of a touchy subject. I was just... well. Let's be honest."

"I was a *horrific* match for Sayaka. Just, Sora. Seriously. I was the worst for her. It was unhealthy. But... damn. But... as friends? We're way better. And you seem pretty sweet, from what I've heard. So you're likely leagues better for her."

The talk of the moon kingdom made her freeze. Then, slowly, she took in a sharp intake of breath. "That... won't happen. Again. Ever. I... know you have a history with Double Trouble. But they will *never* do something like that again. Yes, they're kind of... they love drama. And crave it. But... they *wouldn't* destroy lives like that. Not anymore. They're different." Slow, deep breath. "That was then, Bow. And what happened, what Beryl did? That will *never* happen. and Double Trouble would *not* cause it. Not now."

"... I am sorry you had to go through that. I uhhhh... I should go. My food is going to be here soon and... sorry. I know it hasn't been the best talk but... for what it's worth? We may be enemies out there, in the battlefield. But here? We can... try to get along. If for at least Sayaka's sake." She got to her feet, quickly trying to escape to where her order was waiting to be picked up, if he didn't stop her.

Bow has posed:
"That's me. The sweet lovable guy that put together prom and will bend over backwards for a friend and will put up with a whole lot - maybe I'm a bit of a doormat. Doesn't matter. Making sure everyone else is happy is worth more than how I feel about things. And I know Sayaka wants to be your friend, more than anything. Possibly more than being my girlfriend. I'm pretty sure she's assuming that I will go home someday and she'll have to figure that out." Bow comments as he looks at his meal. He's suddenly no longer hungry. Because things are clicking together. And he doesn't like the puzzle he's seeing.

He may not be wise - but he is smart, after all.

"You're right. It's not going to happen again. Because now that I know what they are capable of, and how they delighted in it? It won't happen again." And for the first time, Bow shows his war face. The child soldier that has seen far too much, and is done with it.

"I want to be your friend. For Sayaka's sake. Because she's the most important thing here. More than you. More than me. More than them. There is so much that she allows just so she can keep a friend." He laughs a bit sourly.

"Then again, I'm guilty of that myself." he admits finally. "But one more thing." His hand reaches out and grabs Hinoiri's wrist.

"I'm just an archer. I don't have any real powers. I was the tech guy back home. The one without magic surrounded by those that did have it. And because of that, I learned to be really really creative to make up for that shortcoming. So. You hurt Sayaka again? You'll think Tartarus is Peguin Park." His hand releases her wrist and he smiles that smile he's so familar with.

"I look forward to our friendship, Hinoiri!"

Hinoiri Kirara has posed:
Hinoiri Kirara nodded. "Yeah, she does. She's..."

And she trailed off, watching him. That was not a good look. She... was going to need to talk with Double Trouble about that. If they were doing things like this... if they COULD do that...

She needed to talk to them.

And then his hand was on her wrist. Her eyes narrowed and she *almost* punched him. Her wrist starting to move in the way Kuyoko had taught her, before she stopped herself.

But then he kept talking. She cocked an eye... Opened her mouth, then paused. Then, of all things? She smiled. "That's sweet. But, honestly? I've caused Sayaka enough hurt. Believe it or not? She's... my first real, actual friend. I don't want to hurt her anymore. As for the... no powers thing? Catra said the same thing. She didn't have any magic, but she still kicked everyone's flank. So you know what? Don't sell yourself out. Even if you are 'just' an archer, you'd be surprised what you can do. In fact..." She held out her left hand, a little dark flame forming in her palm. "There's an answer to that. Dark energy... it lets those who... well... lack magic... who weren't special in this world or chosen or any of that... use magic. If you ever want to try? Let me know." Pause. "But there are restrictions. When... Adora got it? That was bad. It was improperly done and she didn't have the back to handle it right. So we're gonna like... we'd have to avoid that. But it's safe when done carefully. So... if you ever wanna try? Let me know." She'd then turn and quickly make her escape, oddly?

She felt better, now. It was good to know Sayaka was with someone who actually cared about her. Who valued her happiness like that. Sure, he'd likely never be able to hurt her... but... it was the thought that counted.

Bow has posed:
Bow focuses on that dark flame for a moment. "Don't let that consume you like it did to Adora." he comments sourly, withdrawing his hand and looks at his plate for a moment.

And a little voice chimes in his ear.

"...you could defend her." Crystal Hope says to him, softly, again, sharing a secret. "You don't need that magic. You have mine. You can... do so much more if you just let me. You could defend Sayaka in more than just words."

Bow makes a non-commital noise and returns to eating his meal, even if it's cold. He needed to talk to Sayaka. But not on an empty stomach.