Texts: Camping and Pastimes

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Texts: Camping and Pastimes
Date of Scene: 04 March 2024
Location: Texts
Synopsis: Bow shares his first experience with camping on Earth with Sayaka, and after chatting about hobbies, a promise is made to go camping together. Happens at the same time as Scene 1229: Guy's Camping Out
Cast of Characters: Sayaka Miki, Bow

(PHONE) Bow texts: Hey. <3
(PHONE) Bow texts: Oh. I should have said this was Luke. Bow.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Hey Bow! <3
(PHONE) Bow texts: :sends picture: A lot of people helping set up camp. 'I don't know how, but a lot of people found out I was going camping.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Ohhh, sounds fun! I hope the extra 'guests' are welcome. Are you enjoying yourself?
(PHONE) Bow texts: I'm a little overwhelmed, to be honest. They mean well. I was just hoping to take a moment to recenter myself. But it's good to make new friends. I may try this again sometime, when I can. Maybe with fewer guests.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: If you need help with going by yourself next time, I can hold people off and explain for you.
(PHONE) Bow texts: That's great and all. But maybe I would just want your company?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Oh, really? Camping with you would be great! I don't my parents have a tent and everything, but buying it should be easy!
(PHONE) Bow texts: That sounds like fun. We can play together in the moonlight by the fire?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: I am not sure how to bring a piano all the way there. I would love looking at the campfire in the night while you play. That would be super romantic.
(PHONE) Bow texts: Oh! I didn't know the piano was the only instrument you played. Sorry. I also pay the mandolin. I'm not as good at it as I am at the violin, though.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Well, a thing I want to show you technically has a piano I could get there easily, but I haven't tried getting the piano out of that thing yet.
(PHONE) Bow texts: Aha. We'll do that next time then. I promise.
(PHONE) Bow texts: :sends a selfie of him and Swiftwind at the campsite.:
(PHONE) Bow texts: Chrono just mentioned he needed to talk to you about a lost logia?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Oh, you brought Swiftwind! How is he enjoying the outdoors?
(PHONE) Bow texts: Yeah, I thought about asking if you wanted to watch him, but I figured our relationship may be a little too new for that.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: I wouldn't have minded. I have a list on how to keep him calm.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Please greet Chrono for me and tell him I am doing a whole lot better these days.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: And yes, I have to give him that Lost Logia back.
(PHONE) Bow texts: I relayed the messages. So... what are you doing tonight?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Thank you! Nothing much. Just listening to music, relaxing with a warm bath, things like that.
(PHONE) Bow texts: Sounds comfortable!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: It is. I have been hunting youmas for a few hours, so this is great.
(PHONE) Bow texts: You're okay, though?
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Super ok!
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: I appreciate you checking.
(PHONE) Bow texts: I think it's in the boyfriend rulebook I should check on you.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Thanks :) Though, it's in my rulebook too.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: Is Swiftwind enjoying the outdoors?
(PHONE) Bow texts: Am I bothering you? Am I being a little too much? I can slow down or stop texting or... yes. He's trotting around like a proud pony.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: No, I am not bothered, Bow. I appreciate you being thoughtful. Don't stop texting, ok?
(PHONE) Bow texts: I won't then.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: How is the camping going? What food have you brought?
(PHONE) Bow texts: I had planned to fish. But a lot of people brought food, so that's what we're doing instead.
(PHONE) Sayaka Miki (32) texts: That's good. That way you have enough for everybody.