240/Formalities and Hearts

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Formalities and Hearts
Date of Scene: 14 August 2023
Location: Pikarigaoaka Ward
Synopsis: Hannah and Amy have their second date! Secrets are unveiled, as are hearts, and a bond is cemented in Tharkadian formality.
Cast of Characters: Hannah Steiner, Amanda Faust

Hannah Steiner has posed:
The Pit, despite the slightly ominous name evoking a rave or some kind of emo bar, is in fact a very highly respected and premium Jazz-Restaurant-Bar in the heart of Pikarigaoaka. Hannah has managed to wrangle a quiet table in the reserved section, just close enough to the live music to be heard, but not to overwhelm a private time. It's taken leaning on one of the rich movers and shakers she's charmed up when she was at the art gallery and quite a bit of her earnings from her many summers jobs to afford it - even with the friend-of-a-friend discount - but the Steiner is no covetous dragon when it comes to the wealth she's already horded. No, coin is in service to the engine of industry, rulership, and social climbing. And if that's going to lubricate the gears of ensuring her own and Amy's relationship is made stable as the floor of her throne room's hall? Well spent indeed. Particularly when the Pit is a new sensation, another entertainment and joy to take in, particularly after the events with the Witch.

A little enjoyment of the finer things has Hannah ironically doing much the same as Amy: reusing a dress. The same one that initially won some bit of notoriety in the art gallery: all gold with a breezy look to it, managing to be not modest while also appropriate for the venue. A black scarf with her House's symbol at the throat is wrapped around it. No Lyra today. This is just for the two - /three/ of them.

The seat where Hannah is waiting at, already sipping some sparkling cider in an expensive crystal glass - not unlike her set in her dorm - has the young woman crossing her legs and idly waving one shiney heel beneath the table by a toe as she waits. A wireless receiver is in her ear, connected to her phone on the table.

There's only one menu out, Hannah has of course already decided rather than make the wonderful owner or the employees read it all out to her. She's considerate that way to the proles.

Her heart beats rapidly, one ear listening for the text of Amy's arrival, the other simply enjoying the music in the air.
<BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dFExnve2do>

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy gets dressed in the yukata from the previous scenes, and realizes this time she has even further to go. That's a long way to walk, especially looking like she's dressed for a festival.

    She's a little ways into checking Lyft prices and looking at bus and subway schedules before she remembers she has another way to get around.

    This may involve 'riding' a train or a shipping truck or something part of the way, she's not going to try to rooftop jump *all the way from the Academy to the suburbs*.

    So it is that Amy (Yukata ver.) approaches The Pit, selfconsciously blushing and keeping her eyes on the ground trying not to think about how much she sticks out, until she gets to the door, and has to actually look at it--

    A concerned redhead looks back at her from the other side and she *starts* to step back out of the other girl's way before her perception catches up, and she lets a little breath out of her nose, smiling slightly at how silly that was. She opens the door and walks in.

    And immediately feels a *new* kind of 'you don't belong here'. Unlike the clothing stores surrounded by their invisible anti-man forcefields, here she is immediately conscious that this is one of the fanciest places she's been in her life. She knows not being rich doesn't make her worth *less*, of course, but, caring about how she looks now, she realizes she must stick out in a *new* way. She has enough trouble dealing with being a fake *girl*, or whatever, she can't ruminate on this *now*, so, looking awkward and embarassed at intruding upon such a high-class establishment, she stammers, "I h-have a reservation... Hannah... I mean Steiner." to the employee that greets her at the entry area, and is pointed where to go, and scurries over.

    She smiles as she sees Hannah, and slides into the booth across from her, relieved. The table feels more private, safe. It's not a booth, but, people *sitting* in a restaurant don't attract attention. People walking about are more likely to draw judging eyes... or something.

    Amy takes a breath, sitting back. And then sits up, "Hannah! It's so good to see you! Umm, but where's Lyra? Don't you need her?"

    She doesn't put together that she was supposed to text when she got to the door. Oops!

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Whatever annoyance Hannah might feel at not getting the text? Well, hearing her Faustian Engel's voice again easily shatters any potential pique. Perhaps Amy is being fashionably disobedient! Is that a thing among her part of Earth? She decides it must be, because as ever, Hannah finds herself tilting towards thinking the best of her newly minted girlfriend.

There's definitely a few judging eyes as Amy wanders in, though as she slips into the table with one very well appointed young woman? Suddenly people look away. She may not be able to see, but Hannah is too well socially adapted to not notice the feeling of eyes on them.

Her smile outward is that trademark thousand-watt grin, with just enough knitted brows to politely tell fellow upper-crust bred types to 'kindly attend elsewhere'. The sheer intensity soon has it all being just Amy, Hannah, and Blauer Greif comfy resting against the side of the table.

She waves a hand dismissively!

"Oh, come now! Lyra needs a day off ever now und then, und I am more than capable of listening to a GPS mein dear Engel!" Comes Hannah, voice at once lightly teasing and just the slightest of admonishments!

An utter contrast to Amy, Hannah is utterly in her element. As though this kind of establishment with its' sheer /feeling/ of wealth is commonplace for her. In fact compared to their previous restaurant? It's like she's more comfortable here. Another piece in the cagey young woman's odd puzzle.

"Besides, Tokyo is rather impressively accessibility minded. Those street-studs in particular. By the Sankt, such a simple und inexpensive little solution. Genius, really! I should keep it in mind." Ponders the young woman briefly, mind slipping off into space. Literally. Then she coughs.

"Come! Order! Anything that you desire! Fruits of mein labor und all! I think we both need an indulgence."

The food is a mixture of Japanese and American cuisine, both on the higher end of things! And even a fusion or two! Hannah's ordered the cheese fries. Which, happens to be served with knife and fork, due to all the bacon, chopped wagyu beef, and various super-expensive cheeses involved.

Clearly, she's one for excess, this Steiner, if Amy hasn't figured that out already.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    'A GPS can't see traffic lights or have situational awareness', Amy starts to say, but she doesn't get past 'A' before realizing better and shutting her mouth. Hannah's *obviously* figured out ways to get by without Lyra when she has to. She would not be doing something recklessly stupid for a date! The mention of the street studs illustrates that, although, what Hannah says then has Amy furrow her brow slightly in thought. "Keep it in mind for what?" She must have missed some bit of context somewhere, and she frantically tries to remember in the back of her head while looking at the menu and eating a bite of cheese fries from her fork and OH GOD THOSE PRICES.

    EVEN THE CHEESE FRIES SHE'S EATING NOW. It says this is wagyu beef?!

                              -- Many Years Ago --                              

    Mallory and his friends are making a day of it, checking out one of the local tourist destinations. Because he's never actually *been*, after all, even if he's lived almost his whole life close enough to make a day trip of it. He doesn't see the big deal. Everything is fancy but what is the point? What's so special about a place where everything costs more because it's a place rich people live in? Why would people come here from across the country?

    They have lunch at a restaurant that wasn't as nice as THIS one, but did have a nice view. Everything on the menu is pretty ridiculous, although theoretically affordable as a piece of the budget he's set aside for this little excursion. It's American food, but it's *fancy* American food. In the end, he settles on trying a *fancy* burger, to see what the big deal is. It's that special kind of beef where they fatten the cows so it's marbled just right, and they put fancy mushrooms and swiss cheese on it. So, y'know, it's basically what he'd cook at home but this once, for a quarter of the day's budget, he will see what the *rich* person's version of a burger is, experience the fine taste he can't afford to have regularly and see just what it is money buys. He justifies the expense to himself as an *experience*.

    It tasted about as good as what he cooks at home. Which is, admittedly, quite an improvement over a fast food burger! Never before or since has Mallory had another burger at any restaurant or fast food place that could actually compare to a homecooked one.

    But there's no reason to spend a ton of money on it.

                                   -- Now --                                    

    Mallory reflects on that memory as she gets to the why-does-a-restaurant-this-fancy-have-a-burger-section section.

    She will not repeat the mistake of the past. She should have the lobster, right?

    A mental image flashes through Amy's mind of butter dripping all down her face and all over her yukata.

    Okay, maybe not. What's some rich person food she could try?

    Ah. Fish! Prepped all *fancy* like. And not just some random white fish but one of the *good* ones. Salmon is always great, but is the way they'll prepare it truly special? The same goes for Tuna. She's always wondered what a well-prepared tuna steak would be like. They also have *swordfish*. You can't go wrong with swordfish! "...Do you have any reccomendation on the fish?" Hannah cannot possibly afford to eat here regularly but so gives off the air of one who *does* that Amy asks without thinking. "Like, is the special marinade and spices they put on the salmon *really* that good, or should I go with the tuna? Do they cook that good here?"

    Wait, this is a date. There might even be a... *kiss* later.

    She wouldn't want to have tuna breath for a kiss!

    "...You know what, I'll try the swordfish." Expensive. Fancy. And impossible to fuck up. This is a good choice, clearly.

    "Uh, wh... what are you having, anyway?"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah is devouring their shared appetizer with alarming haste. She clearly works out extensively, but /how/ does she keep the pounds off while inhaling food like some kind of German wood chipper? The answer of course is that beating magical furnace in her heart, her Linker Core, that demands that much more nurishment alongside the fact she's still growing /and/ is athletic besides. Calories go to die in one Hannah Steiner's tum.

Like any good politician or royal, the young woman is rather adept at the age old tactic common to many a world called 'ignore that thing that's inconvenient you just asked' and sweep things along! Her smile doesn't falter, she's chomping again, and makes it all seem as if Amy's question has just been lost in the shuffle.

"The steak und potatos is excellent! Even better than the lobster I am told! They have a very unique gravy here. Based on sausage of all things? I am told it is a common thing in North America!" Offers Hannah, before they've polished off the appetizers and the server is ready for their proper meals!

Once they're gone, Hannah leans over the table a bit, and once again considers her approach. She's tried to plot this whole thing out extensively, but frankly finds it difficult and bewildering to anticipate Amy. It's simply too far of a life removed from hers, in both status and frankly being comfortable with her own flesh. And so she decides to simply smile, empathy in her features, and taps her chin thoughtfully.

"Mein engel. I brought you here for an enjoyable evening. However I feel I would be doing you a disservice if we did not...discuss a few things. About us." Starts the young royal.

A hand is immediately held up to prevent any potential panic.

"Und let me speak before you react." Comes Hannah with a teasing smirk.

"Beziehungen are rather both more simple und yet more complicated where I am from. Clearly, you are still attempting to figure out the depths of your own heart. Who you are. Und I do not envy you that task, even as I endeavor to support you every single step, Amy!" It's hard to stay too serious, as the thought of Amy getting to know herself at her side is just pleasing to the noblewoman.

Then she snaps her fingers lightly towards the other girl.

"I wish to be your girlfriend, if you would grant me such an honor, frau Faust. Assuming none wish to gainsay such a thing, or you do not wish a duel to prove mein worthiness." Comes Hannah, suddenly very, very formal as if some switch has been flipped on her mood. She's straight backed in her chair, one leg crossed over the other. Her attention is burning a hole to where Amy's voice is.

"Let us clear those clouds of formality first, und then we can move on to matters more inclined of the heart." Explains Hannah rather uselessly while she waits.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amanda enjoys the appetizer but tries to savor each bite. She doesn't want to become the fat girl...

    Sausage gravy? "I tried something like that a couple times but I guess it was the cheap version..."

> We need to talk. About us.
    Amy looks more serious. But not worried. Things are going pretty well, after all!

> Und let me speak before you react.
    Uh-oh. *Now* she's worried. People who tell her not to speak have very bad news and have reached a decision about her behavior with no intention to hear her reasons or excuses. Not that she's thinking over that, but that's the mood conveyed by the words.

> So, you're figuring out who you are...
    Amy braces for the other shoe to drop.

> I wish to be your girlfriend.
    Amy lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and sags forward in relief. "Geeze! I thought we *were* Like, y...you said earlier..."

    The tiny redhead takes a breath, lifts her head, and sits up straight, smiling. "Of course, I... I want to see where this goes, if you'll have me, since you know my secret... I, I don't understand, but..." She looks away, "I'd be a fool to reject this... ...I don't know why you're so insistent, or what you see in me, but... maybe I can allow myself a *little* selfishness. I could... I could die fighting monsters any day, after all. I'd like..." She sniffles. "I don't know why you want me as a girlfriend but you so clearly do, and, and, only things that worry only me, seem to be any reason *not* to, so..."

    She looks up at Hannah and leads forward. "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend! And I'm honored to... have you as... mine..."

    She slumps back in her chair and lets out a breath. "Geeze, you really had me worried there, you know? It sounded like there was gonna be really bad news... So, what else do you, I mean, what's the... what are you getting at?" She ask, with innocent curiousity.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah lets out a breath she's not realized she'd been holding. And nods firmly. Then...seems to perk her ears about as if expecting some kind of other voice to pipe up. It's hard to say whether she seems relieved or dissappointed that no one says a thing. Probably both. Then she's smiling again.

"There are certain protocols to be observed, Amy. I was asking you /formally/. Und giving any intercessors proper opportunity to either impugne mein worthiness, or yours." Explains the young woman gently. Just where is she /from/?

"Oh by the Sankt's own blood, Amy! Be selfish, curse you! Your life may well indeed be shorter than most. You should live every moment dragging out joy und pleasure from a world that seeks so often to crush both." Comes Hannah passionately, making a fist at the comment. Something she's clearly passionate about.

And finally, Amy's asking the right question. "Acht, how to put this." She swirls around her drink while she's swirling her words.

"Hm. Mein dear 'roomie' put it best. 'You aren't one for that monogamy business'. Verstehst du mich? I love people. Romantically, as friends, in every way. If we stay this course, will you be willing to accept that I should gather other beautiful beacons of love in our wake? Und of course, the opportunity to do the same is yours." Comes Hannah, finally working her way to dropping the nature of her heart, and really, part of the expectations placed upon her culturally.

"I do not believe that a heart can be divided. Rather that it is a thing that many souls can gather around to ease the cold of a cruel world. Und the more hearts, the better its' heat." Ends the Steiner, offering one of her mother's quotes that has stuck with her.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy blinks, cocking her head slightly to one side. "In... intercessors?" At the command to Be Selfish she shrinks away a little and looks away as if embarassed about something.

    It takes her a moment to process Hannah's flowery laguage before looking back at her. "Uh... of course!" More quietly, "I mean, nobody's gonna want *me*, but" and then directly, "you... y-yeah! I don't understand why people can't just... be happy with, with what they can do with eachother, right? It's what most people assume, but... I would never have presumed to ask, but you," She leans forward slightly, eyes shining earnestly, "of course I want you to be happy! Not holding yourself back because you think like... it's... like I wouldn't want you to be happy with other people!"

    She sits back, and holds her hand to her chin. "Hmm. I've never heard that saying before. Interesting."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
And just like that, things are...mostly fine. Mostly. She already has several hangups still waiting in the wings, but the more immediate one is accepted far more easily than she could have hoped! The people of Earth are varied and weird. Which, is to be expected. Is not her home planet just as varied and weird? This is just a new flavor of crazy humanity, space or not.

Then she's bowing in her seat, and doesn't bother hiding the tears down her cheeks. No point in holding up Amy against the usually more reserved Japanese.

Shoving away the culture shock, she finds her composure.

And finds herself at a loss for words. Just a bit.

"Mein lovely, precious engel of a girlfriend." Emphasis on the g-word! Smile!

"We shall rid you of that constant need to play down your own worthiness in time." Promises Hannah, in the way that's as much threat as it is a hope for the future. Grin. Griiiin! One can almost hear the churning of the gears in her head right about now.

"Thank you." She says, simply, then stands up, taps her way over, and pulls Amy into a tight squeeze of a hug from behind! Lingering for a while, and then finally realizing that oxygen is probably a necessity even for another magical girl, she lets go and wanders back over to her seat as if nothing has happened.

As much as her heart leaps in her chest, it also aches. There's so much to consider. Forming a personal bond is dangerous. But she needs them, even if just on a political scale. And yet she finds Amy amusing, charming, and just infuriatingly unsure of herself that the Steiner can't help but want to hold her up into her best self if she can manage it.

Amy's told her a dangerous secret. And here she is not doing the same. It's dishonorable! Painful. Suddenly she's tense. By being Amy's girlfriend, is she putting her in more danger by mere association?

The flurry of thoughts make her heart fill to bursting.

"I. Amy. Would you consider..." Pause. She suddenly sets to work rearranging the table so she can be closer, and mostly out of earshot from the other restaurant goers. It's unfair. Unfair to this girl risking her life.

"Forgiving me for not being entirely forthcoming with you und prevaricating on the matter? I feel a coward to do so. But." A shake of her head.

She whispers even more quietly. "You are already in such danger. I ache to tell you secrets. Und yet I fear such would only render you in danger twice over. If you should perish by association..." A quiet little confession. And it begs a question in that small space between them she struggles between silencing or bringing up.

Amanda Faust has posed:
    Amy stares in shock at the sight of Hannah *crying*. "I, um..."


    she blushes and looks down at the table, but a bit of a smile creeps onto her face. As for her own worthiness... it's pretty simple. She's had *decades* to encounter someone who would see any value in her. And no one did, until right after a superficial, outside change happened. The implications are very cl--

    --And then she's being hugged! Briefly startled, before she relaxes into it, closing her eyes and trying to rest her head against Hannah's shoulder, smiling and just enjoying this. Time with Hannah is the best, she should enjoy it when she can.

    But, once Hannah lets go, she has more to say. She cocks her head at the trailing off, and at the request for forgiveness, simply replies "Putting everything into words can be hard sometimes. It's hardly *cowardly*." She shakes her head.

    And leans in a bit to listen to the whispers, responding in kind: "*More* danger than being a magical girl?" She considers this. "...It was by pure luck that that Witch -- that's what the magical girl business was, it turned out -- didn't have some ability we were unable to counter. I could... Bad things could happen *anyway*. And if I'm to selfishly enjoy all this, with you... will *you* be able to enjoy it as much, hiding whatever this is? It clearly... it clearly *matters* to you, a great deal."

    She looks into Hannah's eyes. "So for the sake of both our happiness... You can tell me what's wrong, and I will do my utmost to help you. It's..." She sits back and sighs, looking down at the table again. "...the least I can do for someone willing to show an old man such kindness."


    She looks back up at Hannah. "...Oh, damn, was this a test to see if I'd remember to ask about the terms and conditions? I..." She rubs the back of her head. "I guess I really am too careless, huh... but... I meant what I said."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
'More danger than a magical girl'

Hannah has to choke down a laugh. A bitter, painful one. And her throat works to make it happen, leaving her with a smirk that's...well. The young woman wields brightness and strength and force as a mask. Here? She shakes her head and her grin is one that has experienced far too much for such a young age. It's not the stare or grin of a cynical Puella veteran that's fought for her brief existence. Instead its' one more mundane.

And yet before she can even get in a word, Amy decides to verbally stab her in the gut with the truth. Whatever words she's been trying to dredge up? Apparently being blunt and true is the way to get Hannah to give in.

There's silence. And then she laughs.

"What!? Nein! No test, no test you /fool/! Acht. Alright. By the Sankt's stockings..."

A deep breath. Sh leans back.

"If you die because of /this/, I swear by Saint Olivie Sagebrecht, I shall grant you another body by glory or knave just to punch you in that precious nose of yours." Grumps the young woman.

Another pause. She's all but pushed herself chair-to-chair.

She takes off her hat, leans back, and just....relaxes.

"Amy Faust. Ask me what mein name is if you should hear it all?"

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The redhead just cocks her head to the side slightly at the strange comment. She wonders if Hannah can somehow actually revive the dead.

    Her name. So, Hannah's not *her* real name just like Amanda isn't *hers*, huh? Very well.

    Amanda breathes in and out. And then in again, to ask plainly: "What, is your name?"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah is both glad Lyra isn't here and also that Blauer Greif is on standby. She knows she'd get nips to the ankles and a stern talking-to from her Device for such cavalier revealing.

An arm wraps about Amy's shoulder, she pulls the other young woman in.

"Forgive me the deception. Mein name is Countess Palatine-Apparent Hannah Emilia-Lina Araki-Steiner the Fourteenth. Heir to the Administrated World of Tharkad! Tragar des Blauer Greif by mein /magical/ name. I..." Her entire body shudders.

She's come this far.

"I seek to bring a Kinslayer to justice. Und regret that mein world's strive has brought the House of Steiner's politics upon this suffering little dirtball in turn." Finishes the young woman, as if any of that might make sense!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    The thought '...is this a chuuni delusion' is only *very* brief. With everything she's seen...

    "Oh my--" she lowers her voice, "Oh my god, you're from *space*? Like one of those, there are humans all ov-- orr, aliens that *look* like humans" she glances over Hannah, "and you're a space princess, and space events have brought you and this other person to Ear....th..."

    Wait, did she say Tragar des Blauer Greif? That was the name of that magical--

    Amanda's perception *shifts*, not unlike the girl on the other side of the door becoming her reflection earlier. She stares at Hannah's face in shock. It's so clear now but she couldn't tell?! THAT'S what this is like from this side?!"


    She looks down, resting her forehead on her hand. "Oh my god. You were in the Witch Labyrinth. You saw... I mean... you were there for all of that..."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Smile. Smiiiile! Hannah is utterly grinning as the truth washes over poor Amy!

"I neither confirm nor deny anything! For I am in no deep desire to grind mein face against certain treaties und agreements regarding knowledge und technological advancements nor societal uplifting upon /Unadministered Worlds/. Such as a brilliant marble in the sky. Mein deepest apologies, but politics may as well be a collar upon mein neck!" Comes the young woman grinning, and she offers another quick squeeze, this time by the waist.

Leeean! She nods gently.

"I feel as though I can say this much. This backwards little dirtball? Is unique. Magic is a science to me. A /technology/, as it were. Here? Acht. So many new things. Some I know of fate. Some spoke of a /contract/!" Hannah's glaring a bit sightlessly at Amy.

A shrug. "Und how many more shall it be? Mmm. Und so many enemies besides. All I ask is that we both be safe." Whispers Hannah gently.

And finally, she speaks a name. " Otto Bismark von Karstein-Steiner. Mein Uncle. I know naught what power he shall seek here, stranded as we both are. But do not underestimate him. He...stole everything." Her breath hitches. Teeth grind. She has to stay together. For Amy's sake!

And she can't quite stop a sob coming from her, so quiet.

"No more should fall to him. Promise me. Hear that name? You shall /run/!" Demands Hannah gently!

Amanda Faust has posed:
    "...Wait, you mean we're *actually* under some Prime Directive--" Amy cuts herself off. It's not the time. And Hannah's not in charge of such policies, anyway -- princess of an Administered World implies someone else is doing the Administering.

    Run? "Hey, I'm a magi-- oh right you're all used to magic in space." And Hannah saw A WITCH and still is more scared of her uncle. "...noted." She turns in to hug her. "I prom-- wait, shoot, what if someone else is in trouble? ...I guess if he's that bad, I can't save them. I should listen to my own advice like when I told you all to turn back... I promise."

    She just hugs Hannah for awhile, leaning into the hug, feeling the other girl against her, holding her, breathing.

    Eventually she returns to her seat, takes a breath, and blows her nose with a kleenex from her little festival-bag. "Well. Let's see what the swordfish-- ohhhhhhh that's why you know all this rich stuff you're a *space princess*. That makes sense. ...Wait, so does that mean all this earth food is new to you? Wanna try a bite? Swordfish is expensive but it's actually really simple to prepare: You just need some butter, salt, and pepper..."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah leans into her girlfriend's hold, and chomps down on the delicious swordfish she's been offered with delight. Mindless delight. The kind that comes from someone oh-so-lost in her own head.

She giggles. Not laughs. But this tiny, little giggle of despair.

"He killed the two most beautiful lights in this whole galaxy." Mutters Hannah, biased as though she obviously is. It certainly took the light from herself, and many others on Tharkad.

She clearly yearns to explain more. But she'a already alluded to treaties.

"Perhaps Justice demands his head." Mumbles the young woman, barely audible, with a snarl for Amy alone, something dark in this otherwise bright girls' voice...