890/TSABgotchi and Murderous Paperwork

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TSABgotchi and Murderous Paperwork
Date of Scene: 16 December 2023
Location: Dorms #1
Synopsis: In which Chrono comes asking a seasonal favor...and wields paperwork at a Belkan!
Cast of Characters: Chrono Harlaown, Hannah Steiner

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown had Fenyx with him on his shoulder and, well... One might be forgiven for thinking that Chrono was coming to speak with the belkan about what happened yesterday. That after seeing such a strange, wild display, he needed to talk with the only other space traveler aware of the going ons in this world and how strange they were. Yes, one would be forgiven for thinking that.


Chrono was here for an entirely different reason. He was not at the point, yet, where he was good to discuss all that happened. He still didn't have a report and, frankly, he had no idea what the fudge any of that was. Other than weird. But you know what? He accepted that. Sure. Apparently Sailor Moon was a princess now, as per Pluto. Who he trusted. But she also had a Lost Logia that, like it or not, every instinct he had told him was a threat. A danger. A world destroying lost logia. And now it was in the hands of a teenage girl with no formal training. So he was NOT thinking on it, because there was no way he could even consider doing what he TSAB training taught him. Apprehend, confiscate, contact the TSAB. So instead, he was avoiding it entirely.

By focusing on the upcoming holiday. He knocked twice on Hannah's door, then a quick little three knock rhythm. What better to distract him... than applying belkan?

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Frankly, Hannah wasn't too far off in her own thoughts: what for all the world seemed to be a Lost Ligia in the naieve-if-loving hands of one Usagi Tsukino is worrisome. She wasn't surprised that it worked out. After all, if anyone has a pure enough soul to use one selflessly?

Well, Usagi proved that last night, at least to her. So, she's willing to let the matter slide and simply observe for now.

But there's also celebrations to be pondered. With Hematite seemingly cured, she's absolutely going to work up a good party once everyone's had their rest. She's working on invitations on her computer, when those knocks come.

"It's unlocked! Come in, come in, no need to be shy mein freund!" Offers Hannah's loud voice. She's swathed in her massive House Steiner fluffy robe, even as she plucks the earphone out of her ear leading to her computer.

Lyra helpfully gets the door, only to hiss-bork at Chrono and Fenyx...then tries to hop up, prepared to LIZARD LICK the short TSAB agent happily!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown had but a moment to react. And in which time he did. Putting those enforcer reflexes to work. He stepped to the right, avoiding the licking narrowly, before reaching out to snag the dog in mid air. A quick turn, followed by gentle scritches to the back of the neck, one arm around her while he walked inside.

It was obvious that he had been jumped and licked before, he knew exactly what his role in this equation was. And so he did all he could to avoid it.

He closed the door behind himself before walking towards Hannah and... "Steiner-san, I have a matter to discuss with you. Are you familiar... with Christmas?"

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Lyra wasn't too put out about the lack of covering Chorno in slobber! Mostly because scritchies! With a feathery little wiggle, she bumps herself against that rubbin' arm, letting out a happy hiss-bork! Tail waaaaag!

Slowly, Hannah leans back in her seat, one leg crossing atop the other and letting her blue doggie-faced slippers wobble a bit as she does so!

"Ah, the honored Enforcer seeks out knowledge of the local customs! You are in luck, dear herr Harlaown! I have been researching the tradition. Apparently there are trees und fried poultry und gifts. A...consideration for family I am told, among some." Her usual smile falters for a moment, but just briefly.

Especially as this is an opportunity to tease! "However somehow I imagine your thoughts may well be turning to the House of Terios this season, hmmmm?~" Griiiiin!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gently placed Lyra into Hannah's lap. "Indeed. Well... Terios-san and another member of the temporary TSAB. Others are a bit more difficult, but for those two I need something special." He held up his right hand and a moment later a ping would be received on Hannah's device. Specs... for an old Midchildian novelty device.

"I have the programs necessary. But the hardware, especially on this planet, is a bit... more difficult. I think I have exactly what the pair of them would enjoy, considering their recent incursions into this series known as 'Lord of the Rings'. But I require a.... datapad of sorts and crafting such a thing for the pair of them is outside of my wheelhouse. However, as a meister, I figure it wouldn't be too hard for you. Please, correct me if I'm wrong?"

There was a small, tiiiiny hint of red to his cheeks when he said that...

Then Fenyx flew off his head and landed on Hannah's monitor. << He's been thinking about House of Terios a lot. >>

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Lizard-dog get! Hannah's hands fall upon those two big ears, the chair wobbling under the combined weight of guide animal and owner! A laughs gently falls, though not mocking at all!

"Und would this happen to be the surprising comms net from last night coming from a rather unusual source? Acht, the /TSAB/, poor fau Osaka! I shall offer her mein condolences for her sudden drafting!" Smirk! Oh yes, she has to jab the Enforcer in the ribs, as is tradition with her words!

"I would be honored, Chrono. Hmm! Multimedia device, set for both comms integration und able to interface with lower technology bases. Simple enough. Your liebling und our dear freund shall have the finest media Devices this little rock have ever seen, all things to the skill of the leader of House Steiner!" Griiiiin! She's puffing up like a peacock right about now!

Reeeach. She feeds Fenyx a cracker.

"Every moment of every day, und especially missing the feeling of a hand in the other's, or a head in a lap, no doubt!" Comes Hannah aloud, painting a picture with her words in turn with Fenyx. Because the sound of Chrono exploding in embarrassment is sweet indeed!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown shook his head. "Actually, no. For Osaka-san I have something else in mind. Fortunately, she wasn't drafted yesterday. I gave her the role as a dispatcher a while ago and setup a guest access for her on Windy Echo then. However, yesterday was the first time it seemed truly pivotal for her to have such a thing. It was quite useful to have her maintaining the communications network during the battle. Something I'm sure the other side would have loved to have access to during our, ahhhh, distraction."

They distracted the HELL out of them.

"No, no, not communication devices though. These..." He said, sending another thing...

... Virtual pet devices. Midchildian tamagochi's, basically.

Fenyx, of course, was delighted to have a cracker. Yes, Fenyx wanted a cracker. ALWAYS! And so she happily ate her cracker.

And yes, his blush could be *felt* when she said those words. "She has very nice hands. And they're so cute in the mittens and... s-shush, you. You've alreadyacquired two earth consorts from what I've heard, so maybe don't confuse your crude desires with my far more subtle ones." Awwwww, he was steeeeeaming.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah just kind of takes it all in. The adorable tamagachi-esque thing for Rashmi and Naru. How Chrono is absolutely burning up and trying to deflect deflect deflect from her teasing! A barking Belkan laugh exits her! Pure joy has her very nearly falling over, only Lyra managing to balance them out!

"Oh...oh by the Sankt, herr Harlaown, you are PRECIOUS mein freund! Mittens! /MITTENS/!? Ah...air...need...air..." Drying her tears of laughter, she ponders the offered programs and ideas for presents! Brows raise!

"This can be done! Und by the way, as mein Mother always said, 'keep your coffers full und bed warm no matter what planet you lay upon'. Hmm..." Ponder ponder!

Soon, she's printing out a list of extra parts outside her own cache. It's shoved towards Chrono.

Why does it seem like there's more parts than necessary? Eh, maybe it's Hannah just going above and beyond, as usual.

And not at all a fey mood of inspiration!

"Shopping time, mein dear Enforcer! I shall draw up plans immediately!" Oh yes. This shall be the tama-chans of the century!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small nod... then blinked and glanced towards her. "Coffers full. I do hope you're not *selling* any of the midchildian salvage you've collected? I do hope I wouldn't need to explain to you the *problems* introducing such advanced technology into a world that can't even make such things yet? Nevermind the fact most of it would be useless since it all feeds off magic?"

He could feel a headache brewing. But it was better than being all flustered and an easy distraction from her teasing. "And her mittens are adorable. Even you should see that. Belkan or not." Nevermind she was blind. She was belkan. That couldn't even slow her down. However...

"There is something else I need to discuss with you, however. It'll involve two things you dislike the most. Paperwork... and your uncle."

Then he brought out his device, a lot of forms popping out of it... which he then held out to her.

She'd likely recognize it. After all, an alliance... always required paperwork.

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Hannah snorts! "I already have enough legal issues to sort out when I arrive back home, herr Harlaown, I am not so foolish as to try to hawk off priceless - in the literal case here - parts for a bit of pocket change to some foolish junkmonger! ...I have been taking part time jobs." Poorly. Or, rather, overenthusiastically. It's been a travesty!

Hannah steels herself...but as that ream is taken and she pulls out BG to start reading the thing? She's half way through before she audibly chokes.

"THAT WRETCH! HOW DARE HE CLING TO THE LAW AFTER HIS FLAGRANT BREAKING OF IT!? I SHALL FIND THE HUND, TEAR OFF HIS HEAD UND STICK IT ON A PIKE IN FRONT OF OBSIDIAN'S HQ!!!!" Rages the young woman, already drawing her blade and...oh gods it really looks like she's not just being full of bluster.

Lyra's trying to hold her down! Halp, Chrono, Fenyx!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
"Actually, it was my idea. These are for you to fill out," Chrono said. "As a member of the TSAB, you know my duty to the Belka/Midchilda alliance. However, there are others here. When I ran into La Crima, she was very... very assured that you were the usurper, not him. There are likely to be others. While I doubt he will fill out this paperwork," Unknown to Chrono that the man HAD filled out the paperwork and given it to Norie to deliver...

"If you fill it out and there's an official midchildian record, then if, by some miracle, I manage to get a full TSAB force down here, it'll be far easier to disprove any claims he may make. The last thing I think any of us would want is someone of actual TSAB authority landing here and falling for his lies."

He, at least, was fully in Hannah's court on this matter. So, you know. Totally unbiased court case... then again, it was Chrono. COULD he be a biased judge if it was his duty?

Hannah Steiner has posed:
That at least manages to calm Hannah's murderous rage, for the moment. She slowly reads it all over again, and finally lets out a sigh that is pure /pain/!

"That vampire is a madwoman! I do not even know why she assisted us last night. Well, evil attracts evil I suppose." She snorts, clearly having little love lost for La Crima.

And worst of all?

She knows that Chrono is right. "...I hate it when your are right. You are so.../matter of fact/ about it. Would not kill you to at least be a bit smug..." Grumbles Hannah. Alright, so she actually appreciates someone willing to just lay out the news, good or bad, on her like this. But she's not going to admit it!

With visible suffering? She starts to sign. This is gonna take a while, she knows just how /thorough/ TSAB paperwork is.

One point has her frowning. "Do you actually think he'll agree to this? It stipulates a lack of assassination attempts outside of Duels. I came here to have him arrested und returned to Tharkad." She rubs her wrist as she keeps signing.

And worst still, how is this going to complicate her /own/ efforts?

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown just stared at her and in the most flat, mundane, calm tone. "It quite possibly could if you took it personally. I've seen enough belkan berserker rages and have only narrowly escaped the contact of your skull with my own. I figure it's best not to take any chances. Besides..."

"When I know the outcome is my victory to begin with, what is there to be smug about?" Ahhhhh, there it was. That teasing Midchildian side.

"And dear heavens no. I expect he'll toss it in the dumpster the second he receives it. Even if he reads it and fills it out, a big if, I imagine he'll use it to try and ambush you or worse."

"... But like it or not, he is still belkan. His goal isn't just to win, it's to make others think he won. Filling out this paperwork is just another battle, one in which you are likely to win. You are the rightful heir, after all. Even if you are stuck on this planet. Hopefully this will also enable us to better... convince other parties that you are the rightful heir and he is the usurper."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
"...I wish I could say I was better than that, Chrono. But we both know that a reminder of duty over vengeance may well be an anchor when I see the karking traitor's face." She finally agrees, finishing up the paperwork with annoyance rather than disdain for the whole thing. It' a good idea. And if he violates it? Well, all bets would be off anyway.

She grins though as that Midchildan attitude emerges. Oh yes. That's how it is!

"Legitimacy is everything. Yes, thank you Chrono. If nothing else, perhaps it shall give us some breathing room. I know this is something of mein destiny. But coming from a family member galls me. A politician's or some jilted lover's blade would burn less." And then, the last signature, and the paperwork is gently offered to Chrono.

"Und the die is cast. Let us see where they land." Sigh.

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a small smile and took the paperwork with a nod. "Of course. I'm hopeful that the dice will land in your favor as they often do." Pause, pause pause. "And for what it's worth, I'm certain there are many people outside of your family, politicians and ex-lovers, who would be more than happy to stab you. Considering your time on this planet there are likely already quite a few amongst your classmates as well. So keep your head up, someone will make your dreams a reality before long, I'm sure."

"In full seriousness though, Steiner-san. Do understand I will need to look into this matter and follow all TSAB guidelines. In the unlikely event that your uncle is..." He shuddered. "Holds a valid claim, I would need to act as such. I do hope you understand."

Hannah Steiner has posed:
Alright, she can't get dour with Chrono around! "Oh, I fully intend to be the target of at least one RHA Incident in mein time here, be it out of overzealous love, or absolute loathing for mein mere existance, hopefully with attempted murder!" Comes Hannah cheerily. Her mood's better, at any rate, and when the TSAB enforcer of enforcers says he'll do his duty?

She merely nods and waves a hand dismissively. "He is /second/ in line for the throne, that is true. Of course he also attacked directly in the middle of mein coronation ceremony, mein is far more legitimate..." A shake of her head.

"Unless I happen to die, of course. Und I do not think I need to tell you how easy things such as 'murder charges' tend to go away with a combination of money, political power, und 'being the sudden ruler of a planet'." It all comes down to the need for Hannah to die in order for her Uncle to succeed. At least this makes it a bit more subtle. In theory.

"Acht, this is getting gloomy. Come. File that paperwork, und let us get milkshakes. Und an extra one for frau Terios." Wink! Clearly it's time to gain Chrono some brownie points!

Chrono Harlaown has posed:
Chrono Harlaown gave a light nod. "Yeah. A bit... less easy to get away with that with an enforcer monitoring things. At least, it would be if I could access the TSAB." Eh. Well, the guy would need to kill Hannah AND stop the TSAB from finding out AND get off this planet. Though, to be fair Chrono was likely overestimating what power the TSAB would have over the proceedings... in order to avoid an all out war afterall... At least the rest were practically impossible. So he found it very, very unlikely to happen anytime soon.

The suggestion for milkshakes... that, however, earned a small smile and a nod. "I think that sounds delightful. Now that I have the business for the gifts sorted, I was planning to go see Rashmi anyway. Bearing a gift sounds ideal."