239/A Tour of the School

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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A Tour of the School
Date of Scene: 14 August 2023
Location: Radiant Heart Academy
Synopsis: Coco and Marinette run into each other. A tour of the school ensues
Cast of Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Coco Kiumi

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
The flight was long and stressful. Was she really going to leave Paris? This was a once in a lifetime opportunity though. There was a much bigger problem that almost kept her from going. That problem was Hawk Moth. If people got akumatized, how would she be able to rescue them? Master Fu of course insisted she go and live her life. If hawk moth attacked, he would send someone to bring her back and return her to Tokyo. So here she was, arriving at Radiant Heart by bus.

Marinette exits the bus. She quickly begins gathering her things. A pair of suit cases hold her things. A box would be delivered in a day or two with the rest of her stuff. Carefully she starts walking into the school. She promptly trips over a crack on the concrete and falls right into someone.

She promptly stands up and gathers her things which had opened, sending clothing everywhere. "Ughs, I am so clumsy! Why do I always wind up doing this!" She exclaims in French. "I'm so sorry." She speaks with a heavy French accent. "I didn't mean to land on you!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco is walking around the school, her shell locket in hand, looking at the yellow pearl inside it. 'Am doing enough?', thinks the mermaid princess. She is deep in her own thoughts, thinking about the basically nonexistent progress when it comes to helping Sara. It's making her a bit tense, beginning to nag her in the back of her thoughts.

'Hippo worked a lot to help me, and for what? For letting me waste time?' With these kind of thoughts plaguing her, she is wandering aimlessly through the school, not really caring about anything but what is swirling in her head.

Unbeknownst to her, she has reached the campus and various students are looking curiously at the girl intently gazing at her pendant like it's a matter of life or death, not that she is aware enough to pay them any mind.

She is suddenly brought back down from the clouds when someone crashes onto her and sends her falling to the ground, the shell locket flying out of her hand and both it and the pearl falling onto the ground separately from each other.

"Don't worry about it, I was distracted myself", Coco says, smiling at the other girl. She starts helping the girl gather her own thing which her own things which had flown anywhere.

"Sorry for sending your stuff everywhere", she says, folding and putting some of her clothes back into the suitcase. "I'm Coco. Were you moving into the school dorm?", she asks the other girl with a jovial tone.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Oh no! It was my fault. I am very clumsy. I fall down over everything." The dark blue haired girl smiles to Coco. "A pleasure to meet you Coco. My name is Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She smiles and extends a hand to shake Coco's. "Sorry again. I didn't mean to trip and fall into you." She quickly gathers her things and stuffs them into her suitcases. Her purse thankfully did not open. It is hanging freely on her side.

"I just moved here from Paris. I am supposed to move in here. My parents said they might come to Tokyo and try to open a second Bakery. It could be really cool." She looks up at the school. "I was a student at College Francois Dupont. I'm already missing my friends." She looks down.

"Not to mention there was this guy... umm" She gestures to a nearby billboard. That billboard shows a teen with blond hair and green eyes. "Him!" Her eyes narrow and if she could have hearts floating over her, she probably would.

"Anyway nice to meet you Coco. Maybe some more of my friends will get an invite to the school and you will get to meet some of them."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco quickly shakes Marinette's hand. "Nice to meet you Marinette", she says, offering another smile to the french girl. Oh, your family runs a bakery? That's amazing! I would love to taste their products if they were to come here", she chatters while they gather Marinette's clothes.

"I understand missing your friends, I transferred here too and I miss mine. But the school is full of nice and cool people", she says, trying to offer a silver lining to the other girl. "And I would love to meet your friends once they come here."

Once all of Marinette's clothes are safely back in the suitcases, Coco remembers she was holding her pendant. "Uhm..." she mutters, turning around left and right to check for the shell locket. "Ah, there it is!", she yells, picking up the necklace.

She turns a bit pale once she realises the pearl is missing, but luckily it didn't get too far and soon both items are safely around her neck. She sighs of relief before walking back to Marinette. "Hey, would you like to check out the school? There are a lot of nice things to see?", she exclaims, going back to the conversation with her.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Thank you! I look forward to meeting some people. This school looks so big compared to College Francois Dupont. Its going to be really weird for me to be away from home. I already miss my family." She smiles. "My mom and dad are a little quirky but I love them a lot."

She nods, "Oh sure! I would love to see the school. Maybe I will meet some more people. What is this place like? What Tokyo like? I mean Its so big. I'm used to seeing the Eiffel Tower often but Tokyo is so big. Its kind of overwhelming."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Being asked for a description of the place makes her esitate. 'She probably should know that there are several incidents here, but I don't want to scare her on her first day', starts reflecting Coco. "Oh, yeah, Tokyo is pretty big", she decides to say, trying to buy some time, while leading her through corridors to the cafeteria walking by her side.

"I had the same problems too. Still do, sometimes, since I am new myself. But with a bit of help, it's nothing you can't get around", she replies, though not everyone can afford a group of otters willing to help with showing the way.

"The city is beautiful, but...", she hesitates, about to let the cat out of the bag. "But it isn't the safest. Lots of gas leaks, muggers and the likes around here. It's better to keep your guard up more than usual", she warns Marinette.

Having reached their destinations, she explains to the french girl their destinations. "This is where we eat, though sometimes students tire of the cafeteria food and prefer going to the nearby mall."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette follows as Coco leads the way. "Oh dangerous is not good. Back in Paris, there were a bunch of muggers and stuff. The cops did their best but there were also Ladybug and Cat Noir who would stop them sometimes. Also there were other bizarre things like random car accidents and stuff at really bad times." She smiles a little. Not letting on anything about the identity of said bug.

"This is a nice Cafeteria. I look forward to trying new foods too! I didn't have much Japanese food, aside from Sushi. But we did have some really good food." She grins happily.

"Oh and don't worry about me. I am always ready to protect myself." She smiles and flexes a little before dropping her suitcases again. She quickly collects them and giggles a little. "Besides, Doesn't that Sailor V person fight off a bunch of the muggers and stuff?" She asks curiously, having played the Sailor V game before.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, things were like that in Paris too?", Coco says, wondering which kind of "like that" was actually going on in Paris. "Well, I guess you will have to expect much of the same here. Sometimes that stuff chases you", she ponders absentmindedly.

"I doubt there is much french food here, besides the occasional "french" restaurants, but I would like to try some one day. On my part all the food we had was cooked much differently than up here", she says, still casually chatting. "We have to use a complex series of contraptions to make it work, else the wind snuff it out." This time she remembers to swap out "water" for "wind", not that she realised her previous mistake.

"Oh, if you know about Sailor V, things are much simpler. There are a bunch of costumed go-gooders doing their best to stop crime around here too." This time Coco has brought her to the library. "I don't know if you are a studious person, but if you want to carry out some in-depth analysis, this place is gonna be your friend", she adds once they get inside.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Yeah there was a bunch of stuff like that in Paris. I hope it doesn't follow me. That would be really freaky." Marinette smiles and looks around. She walks up to the food line and looks at the different foods. "Mmm Some of this stuff smells so good." She beams happily.

"Oh umm I know of Sailor V because I played the game. I am a little bit of a gamer girl. Its fun to distract myself with games when I need a break from my other stuff. I design clothes and stuff. Have you heard of the Rock Star Jagged Stone? I designed his latest album cover. And his Eiffel tower sunglasses." SHe giggles. "Jagged Stone is a really cool guy. I met him a few times. He has a pet Crocodile named Fang." She giggles.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"No, I haven't heard of him. I have been around here like 3/4 years at most before my current stay in Tokyo. What is he like? I am a singer myself, and I am quite interesting in comparing myself with others", she smiles, talking about the subject with an easygoing tone.

"Designing clothes is really nice. I have a friend who would be all too ready to chat about the topic with you, and I wouldn't mind to snag a few opinions myself. Is Jagged Stone one of the friends you were talking about earlier?"

With all this talking, they have reached the Club Building. "This is where you can find the various clubs, including the Music Club that I am a part of. There is also the Hero Club, which does volunteering around the area. I'm trying to join that one, but I haven't been able to get a minutes with its vice-prez yet."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Oh no. This is Jagged Stone." She gets out her phone and starts the artist. Its rock and roll with some awesome guitar solos and some really nice piano too. "He isn't one of the friends I talked about. He is really famous. Probably more famous than Adrien." She blushes at the name and quickly looks away.

"Oh I love designing clothes. I like Gabriel Agreste's work and all sorts of stuff. I will have to show you some... I think. I mean I don't think you'd laugh over it."

She blushes a little. "Clubs? I probably won't join any clubs. I get too busy. I am always trying to make stuff for people." She smiles. Though it might be nice to try to join one. Even if I don't get to attend too often.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, that's nice", says Coco in reaction to the music. It's not exactly her thing, but it's quite interesting too. "Is Adrien someone special to you?" she asks in response to Marinette's reaction with a smirk, her matchmaking sense ringing in response.

"I would love to see it. And I would never laugh over it", giving her a smile about that.

Coco nods at Marinette's answer. "I understand that, it's the same for me sometimes. I get so busy that I often have to skip out many meetings. But fortunately, there isn't much pressure to cast me out. Besides, I am good, so they turn a blind eye to it, luckily for me."

They reach yet another destination. "This is the Sport Pavillion. Do you play sport?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
At the mention of Adrien she blush and begins stammering over her words. "Adrien is really hot... Errr I mean He is really interesting and I umm I really like him and want to date him but everytime I try to talk to him I get all Kerfuffled." She blushes bright over the whole thing.

"Oh! Umm Well I will have to show you some of my designs. I actually designed a derby hat that Adrien got to Model. He is a model you know?" She blushes again. "It was a school project that Gabriel Agreste put up. He said that whoever designed the best derby hat, He would have Adrien wear it with his upcoming line of clothing." She smiles. "One of the bullies at my old school tried to steal my design but she didn't know that I always sign my work."

She pauses and looks at the Sports Pavilion. "Its really nice. I don't do a lot of sports myself. I am more on the creative side of things.

"Oh they are lenient on attendance? If that is the case I may be able to join a club or two. I think it would be fun to do that and maybe make more friends."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco smiles at how head over heels Marinette appears to her. "It's already a great step forward you already know who you like, Marinette. Some people even fail to make that step. Even if you are nervous now, this obstacle is far from insurmontable. What's more, your victory will be all the sweeter once you beat that into a pulp." If one were able to see auras, one would notice Coco surrounded by layer of fire that threatened to grow further and further at this point.

"Server her right", Coco snorts once she hears of what her bully tried to do. "And that's great news! You already made yourself look good in front of Adrien with your skills", she adds quickly going back to the romantic subject. "Just keep showing your good side more, and he will be yours before you even realise it. I can't wait to see your designs myself, they must be amazing." Coco truly wants to look at them for herself, but she also sees a venue through which get Marinette to Adrien.

"Yes, a lot of students have to skip out on club attendance around here. So people would understand if something holds you up frequently", replies Coco. 'We are talking about her clothes design hobby here, right?' she starts wondering. "Sorry, what did you say you were busy with?", asks Coco.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Everytime I try to talk to him I get super frustrated and tongue tied. It happens everytime and I just can't get my words across. Then I goof up and trip or worse. He will never want to be with someone as clumsy as me. He is so amazing..." She blushes and just looks off at the billboard featuring Adrien's cologne.

Then the conversation shifts. "Chloe was really trouble. I wish She didn't act the way she did but she tormented people. Me included. She was just so mean.

Then the question about why she wouldn't be active in clubs... She smiles and stumbles over her words for just a moment. "I errr. Well I just do a lot of work you know? SOmetimes I get wrapped up in my designs and stuff."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Well, if you keep telling yourself that, of course he will never be yours. Love is a battlefield: if there is someone you cherish, you have to aim for him with all you have." By this point, Coco's flames had swelled up into a veritable column and fire, and she sports a quite sinister grin.

"First step on the list is to use his modelling as an excuse to design more clothes for him. This will not only mean showing him your good side, but spending your time with him and growing closer. Now since, you are quite tongue-tied, we need some other way to get this going, but we have time until you go back to Paris and meet him again. I will brainstorm some ideas."

"The consequences of her own actions caught up to her." Coco smiles at Marinette. "There are no bullies here, so you don't have to worry about it."

Marinette's answer leaves Coco confused. "But the clubs are after school. Why would you get wrapped up in your designs at that time?" She asks, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"I know! I know! Its just really hard for me. He is so Fine... I mean cute. I mean I umm. He is so handsome!" She blushes bright as she stammers some more trying to find the words to describe him. She of course can not see those flames all swelled up. She can't see auras. The most she can see is her own ideas when she needs to create a plan.

"Wait really? No bullies? That is amazing. A school without bullies sounds almost impossible." She smiles again. Hawk Moth would loath this school if this is true. There would be so many less Akumas. She thinks to herself about the whole thing.

"I mean I do fashion design when I am not in school. You know I don't wanna fall behind in school. I need to focus on fashion when I'm not in school right?" She beams trying to sound like she knows what she is talking about and not give away that she actually is a magical hero with the power of creation itself.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco leaves Marinette to gush about her beloved with a smile, finding it quite sweet.

"Yes, we might be more or less social depending on the person, but everyone in the school is good-natured. I have never met anyone who caused trouble", Coco tries to reassure her.

Coco still keeps being confused. "Yeah... That was my point. You don't do fashion design at school, so there would be nothing distracting you when school ends and it's time to go to the clubs."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
"Well that is good news. I am tired of being teased so it will be a nice change of pace. I look forward to classes then." She smiles. "I will miss Miss Bustier's class though. She was one of the best teachers ever."

"I guess its just my old train of thought. I always had to do stuff after school. Like helping friends or school work or work on stuff for the idea of a blog." She shrugs. "My best friend Alya was trying to get me to start a fashion design blog."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That's nice. Can you tell me the address? I would love to have a look", Coco gleefully asks. "Oh, this reminds me we should change phone numbers. What do you say?"

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette rattles off the address for her blog. "Don't go too hard on me. I'm not a big name in anything yet." She blushes a little bit. "Sorry I am still adjusting to having popular things."

"Oh Right!" She brings up her phone number and shows it to Coco. "There you go. I will add yours too." She smiles.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco likewise shows her phone number to Marinette. They have by now reached the dorms. "Looks like we have finished the tour. These are the dorms. It has been a pleasure chatting with you, Marinette. Let's see each other around."

Marinette Dupain-Cheng has posed:
Marinette nods and puts the number into her phone. She then looks up at the dorms and sighs. "I wonder who my roommate is going to be." She asks quietly as she lugs the suitcases into the door to the dorms. "See you around Coco! Thank you for the tour!"