212/Cho and Coco Converge at the Coast!

From Radiant Heart MUSH

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Cho and Coco Converge at the Coast!
Date of Scene: 07 August 2023
Location: Beach
Synopsis: Cho and Coco spend the evening swimming together at the beach. The two have lots of fun and nurture their friendship with entertaining activities and enjoyable talk, ending it all with a birthday party for Coco at their dorm room.
Cast of Characters: Coco Kiumi, Cho Konishi

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Sun! Water! Sand! Those are the first things one thinks of when they hear the word summer and that's what awaits the two roommates as they head to the beach for a swim together.

Ok, not so much the first one because Coco had asked to do this in the evening to reduce the risk of being spotted, but the weather was still warm and pleasing, as one would expect of a summer day.

The two of them had checked the forecast and no rain was set to ruin their fun that day. The sky does its best to fulfill their expectations, not a single cloud up above as far as the eye can see.

And this is how the two of them stealthily head away from the dorms to get at the beach, evading any person that might tell them to head back inside, or worse, question their motives.

"Thank you a lot for accepting to do this at this hour, Cho", says Coco as they head down the road to the beach.

She is wearing a normal casual getup, in this case her yellow sundress, knowing magic would take care of the appropriate swimming attire once she turned back into a mermaid.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi was feeling, well... a little guilty. She WAS happy to go to the beach with her roommate. Of course, why wouldn't she be?

But she'd yet to have found a solution to the problem... or any idea where to start. She didn't really... know many magical girls. The ones she DID know were... well... if Amy or Kyouko could help her, she couldn't ask them. Their limited powers shouldn't be overtaxed anyway.

She, of course, was wearing a simple pink sun dress... and, under it, a bathing suit. Because it definitely wouldn't be awful walking back home with wet and sandy bathing suit under a dress. Nope. She would learn.

"I mean, this is going to be awesome. It's not every day I get to meet a mermaid princess. It's... not any day, in fact. I'm just sorry I can't turn into one to join you. I can turn into a tree though! It's... not very useful. Honestly. And kind of weird. I'm mostly just bark, then."


"Magic stickers are weird."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Yeah, it's better if you don't turn into a tree then, you can leave that talisman where It is" Coco replies to her roommate, a light laugh followed by a smile that indicated she was joking with Cho rather than at Cho.

"Besides, you are great as you are, you don't have to feel pressured to match me", she adds, wanting her friend to feel at ease, still looking at Cho with a smile.

"If you wanted to, however, that's another story and I'm sure we can find a few workarounds", she adds, getting back to look at the now nearby beach.

"There are lots of things in the sea that could do just what you would need, as long as you use them well though. They can be a bit difficult at times." Now they are already at the beach and Coco proceeds to take off her sandals.

"But enough about that for now, I will race you to the humid part of the beach!" she says with a mischievous smile, not really giving Cho any opportunity to prepare.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi nodded. "Well, I did suspect that swimming as a tree would not end very well, so it wasn't my primary intention," she said with a small grin. "Wait, is there a way for a normal girl to become a mermaid? Cause ummm, that sounds pretty cool. I always thought I'd make a good maid, but I mean. What girl doesn't think that? But never a mermaid. I... I guess that's kind of weird, huh?"

However, the talk of the 'humid' part of the beach gave her pause. "What? The humid... it's... it's all water, though! What's the humid part of the beach? Coco? COCO!" she yelled, racing after her. She wasn't even entirely sure where they were running! Rude! Cheating!

Wuwu, of course, approved. He often won races by being confusing.

Coco Kiumi has posed:
After Coco wins the race, she turns around to wave at Cho, before yelling with a grin "I will wait for you into the water!".

And after a brief rush to a deeper section she disappears into the water with a loud splash, before emerging transformed into her mermaid form.

"Come on in, the water is great!", she tells her friend, not really realising that to a mermaid any kind of water is great, regardless of its temperature. Hopefully that's actually the case for humans too.

Once Cho has joined her, she starts explaining what she meant earlier. "Sorry for not being clear, I meant the zone with humid sand", she clarifies herself.

She is mostly still for now, floating on the water's surface while she chats with Cho, but everytime the currents push her out of position, she realigns with her roommate by a few light splashes of her tail.

"And I think there are a few methods, besides asking Aqua Regina if she can do it", she explains, still looking up at the starry sky.

"I could bring you a dreamseer stone, which can turn dreams into reality, and as long as you put it under your pillow and dream of being a mermaid, it would grant it."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi snickered when the mermaid jumped in the water. That was such cheating. Just being able to just jump in like that! She, however, paused before gently placing her bag on the ground... and letting Wuwu out. Then taking her dress off and stuffing it in the bag. "Please behave, Wuwu."

Wuwu pulled out a tiny fairy beach chair, a drink and sunglasses. "It's fiiiine. Go have fun, kid. Enjoy yourself."

She went into the water. Then shrieked and came running back out. "GAH! C-c-c-cold! R-right. I can... I-I can do this, I-I can," she said softly.

Inch by inch going out. "Y-yeah. Humid z-zone is a little... v-vague, heh. Uhhhhh... I ummm... I'm not sure that'd be a good idea. I have a lot of nightmares, you know? And I think something that made THOSE real might... go poorly. It's a sweet idea, though! Really! I just uhhhh... I don't wanna end up being in my underwear at school. Or attacked by a monster without my device. Or worse, be a boy."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Oh, I see how that might be problematic, sorry. But... I guess you could try to learn lucid dreaming first", Coco tries to suggest a solution, looking at Cho with worry the uncomfortable subject matter might have displeased her.

"So, you mentioned meeting a mermaid being something that made you happy. What's like swimming with one then?" She asks, trying to steer the conversation into a more positive direction.

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi gave a nod, chuckling at her. "I guess. I wonder how hard it is to lucid dream?" she asked. "But... honestly, I've had a lot of my dreams actually happening lately. So I don't know if I'd need a magic rock to do that. I'm pretty happy. And uhhhh... I mean... like. Well..." Her cheeks went a little red and she looked away.

"It's just silly, you know? Meeting a mermaid, meeting unicorns, princesses, genies, all those kind of mythical things. I uhhhh. never thought they'd actually be REAL. I mean, except the princesses. I... I assumed princesses were real. The rest of the things, though. Those seemed unlikely. And now, well, my room mate is one. My room mate being a mermaid sounds like a silly movie title, honestly..."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"What is the top one thing you would like to do with your mermaid roommate?" Coco says with a challenging smile, happy seeing the subject hasn't upset Cho. "I would suggest a proper race. The first one to swim 5 meters win. I will be fair this time, what do you say?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times before giving a light snort. "Really? Wouldn't that be like... me challenging you to a tree climbing competition?" she asked. "You literally have a tail. And fins. I have toes. And can doggy paddle," she said with a light snicker. "I'd be utterly crushed. Though, it's cute that you want to. Sure, why not? Just so long as you don't expect me to actually win. I'm not even a very strong--"

As it was the beach, it was then that a wave crashed on her, leaving her coughing and sputtering, spitting out sand. "Ick ick ew ick!"

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"Are you all right, Cho?" Coco asks as the wave makes her sputter sand everywhere.

"I did say I would be fair about it, but I see your point. How about you grab onto me and let me do all the swimming?" she suggests.

Suddenly conscious about being the only one to enjoy this, she adds "You don't have to do that either, though. We could collect conches leisurely, though... That doesn't really work because of the lack of light. We can do anything else you can think of."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi nodded, a smile on her lips. "It's fine, really. Like, that's half the fun of this. Like... at the end of the day, no matter what happens, I know I'll be okay in the ocean. Cauise I've got my mermaid friend with me," she said, before holding out her hand.

"Go ahead, take me swimming! Let's see how fast we can go!" she said, grinning out to her. "You can consider it payback for all those times Cure Wukong has subjected you to those giant leaps across the city. But, uhhh. Don't go too rough on me, please. I don't have any henshins right now."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
"That sounds good to me", Coco smiles, positioning herself so Cho can get onto her back and grab onto the shoulders.

Once she is sure her friend is well-secured, she starts swimming fast around a short radius, though not so fast as to make Cho uncomfortable.

After a few rounds of that, Coco reduces her speed, swimming much more slowly, the barest minimum not to stop completely. "So, how did you like it?"

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked and then got a little red when she was told to climb on her back. She'd expected to be grabbed by the hand. Instead, she got to ride on ehr back, like a zora! Woo! She let out a squeak as they went, before giggling and holding on. "Hee hee! It's fun... but... Hey, Coco? You know you don't have to do anything special, right?"

"You're my friend. And like, a mermaid. And cool with me. You don't have to like... do special stuff to make me like you. Heck, you put up with Wuwu. You've already endured more than anyone has any rights to ever ask you to."

Coco Kiumi has posed:
Coco looks at Cho with surprise before giving her a smile.

"That may be true, I guess, but doing something we both enjoy is way more fun", she explains, grabbing one of Cho's hands from the girl's position on Coco's back.

"Your shouts of excitements made me feel happy too, I would do this every time", she adds, swimming closer to the shore now.

"I actually consider the fact we both enjoyed something together a perfect birthday gift, since it just became my birthday a few minutes ago, if my sense of time isn't betraying me. That's how much I cherish it."

Cho Konishi has posed:
Cho Konishi blinked a few times when her hand was grabbed. "Huh? Oh. Uhhh, thanks. Heh. What can I say? You're fun. Since becoming a magical girl, I've met a lot of really cool people! Not least of all is you," she said, giving her a hug. Easy enough from this position.

Then she got the news that, well... it was her friend's birthday! Her eyes lit up. "It's your BIRTHDAY?! Ohhh, why didn't you tell me?! We've got to go solve this! PARTY TIME!" she yelled, giving a light giggle and another hug. "Ohhhh. I can make a cake! Oh, and we can go get you something special! We're going to have the BEST party!"