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Date of Scene: 13 July 2023
Location: Tako Cafe
Synopsis: Naru and Wako get to know each other over snacks.
Cast of Characters: Naru Osaka, Wako Agemaki

Naru Osaka has posed:
The after school rush is over, it really is rather dinner time, but there's a few people who either are eschewing such things as family dinner time, or who just could really go for a coffee.

Naru waits in a short line, still wearing her school uniform to identify her as a Radiant Heart student by sight. Her school satchel is still over her shoulder, and by the fact that she's not looking at the menu, she probably already knows exactly what she wants. It was warm during the day, but it's starting to cool off quickly as evening approaches, a surprising chill on the breeze, considering its July.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako's not sure she's making much progress in learning her way around Tokyo, but for now, at least, her haphazard exploring has paid off. She's followed her nose and found gold - or at least, a bright yellow takoyaki stand - and even better, the line isn't that long!

She falls into line behind Naru, noting the distinctive unfortunate-colored uniform but more interested in studying the menu options at first...

...at least, until her stomach lets out a very loud, insistent growl.

Like, 'does someone behind Naru actually have a wild animal stuffed into their bag?' kind of growl.

Immediately, Wako's face turns pink. "Ahahaha... sorry," she says, laughing awkwardly. "Don't mind me."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Coffee, and takoyaki please." Naru steps up to the window and puts her order and then Wake's stommach puts in its order.

Naru turns at the apology and her smile is warm. "That sounds like you skipped lunch." She declares and steps aside to let Wake order next. "Don't let me get in your way."

She even has exact change already ready, it's almost like she has been her a few times. A lot of times. Probably more often than is reasonable.

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"I actually didn't," Wako admits, smiling ruefully, "but I'm still hungry."

Once Naru's order is sorted, she steps up to the counter. "A regular takoyaki, and a negimayo ponzu takoyaki, please," she tells the cashier. "Oh, and a ramune, please!"

She does not have exact change, but she does have money in hand and ready. As the cashier counts her change she glances over at Naru again. "Have you been here before? It's my first time, but it sure smells great. --Oh, I'm Wako, by the way. Wako Agemaki. 10th grade at Radiant Heart."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"I'm a local." Naru explains as she steps aside to wait for her order. "It's been a favourite for a while." She gets her coffee before the pastries, accepting the paper to go cup with a murmurered thanks.

Naru turns her attention back to Wako, no blink at all at the size of the girl's order, even with just her being there. "Naru Osaka, I'm in grade nine at Radiant Heart." She smiles. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Usagi's roommate, if you've met her already." Hanging out with an extreme extrovert means that Naru assumes that everyone knows Usagi.

Naru gestures a little with her cup. "We came here after school from our last school too. Even though its more of a trip, still worth it."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Once she has her bottle of ramune, Wako also steps out of the way to clear the counter for anyone else who wants to order while she waits for her double order of takoyaki. 'Usagi' gets a blink of recognition--"Usagi Tsukino?" Wako asks. "I haven't met her, but I did meet someone who was looking for her at school the other day. Hopefully they met up."

She's peeling the plastic seal from around the top of the bottle as she talks; once it's free, she pops the glass marble down into the bottleneck with a practiced hand. "I just transferred not that long ago, so I'm still learning my way around. I get lost a lot," she adds with another little laugh. "Tokyo's a lot bigger than what I'm used to."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"The very same Usagi." Naru's voice and smile is utterly fond as she refers to her bestie and roommate. "I expect they probably did. She's not usually too hard to find."

"Tokyo is huge." Naru agrees. "It'll take some time to get used to it but there's a fair number of us who are locals. Usually one of us can give directions, or at least program something into your phone to send you mostly in the right direction." Naru sips from her hot coffee briefly and then asks. "Where did you transfer from?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako nods in response to Naru's assessment. "Hino-san seemed pretty determined," she says. "They probably found each other sooner or later.

She takes a swallow of her soda before answering Naru's question: "Southern Cross Island. I don't know if you'll have heard of it... it's pretty small. This is actually my first time ever coming to the mainland." Tipping her head back slightly, she looks around her, taking in the Pikarigaoka scenery. For all her words, she doesn't seem intimidated by Tokyo's vastness, but rather quietly excited. "A big change. I'm glad there are so many people willing to point me in the right direction."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Oh! I've heard of it." Naru looks delighted at the mention of the tiny island. "But only in geography class. I've never met anyone who actually came from there. That's awesome!"

Naru grins. "Welcome to Tokyo. That really is a big change for you. What are you most excited by?" She ooohs as they call her order number, stepping up to retrieve her tasty pre-supper snack. There's hope for Wako's order being up soon. "And what do you miss the most?"

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako's expressions brightens a little when Naru confirms she's heard of the island, with that unreasonable personal pleasure that comes from having deep personal ties to a place that probably has little significance to most people who don't live there. "Thanks!" she says in reply to the welcome.

At the question of what she's most excited about, she looks faintly embarrassed. "It's a little childish," she says, "but I'd like to become a singer. Professionally, I mean. If I have any shot at all, being in Tokyo is probably my best opportunity."

She's still contemplating the other half of the question when her number is called, and she puts the thought on hold a little longer to claim her two go-boxes of takoyaki and figure out how to effectively juggle them and the bottle of soda.

"What I miss..." she begins, before pausing to blow on a takoyaki and pop it into her mouth. "--aah, hot!" Though she puffs a bit, searing her tongue doesn't deter her from chowing down. It just means she needs a swig of ramune once she's swallowed.

"It's been weird, not having the people around I've known all my life. My grandmother, my best friend Ruri. I don't have to get up as early in the mornings here, but I still wake up at the usual time, only I can't go over to Sugata-kun's for breakfast... stuff like that."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru gestures to a nearby table, so that both of them have somewhat less juggling to do with drinks and snacks and bags and just /everything/. She slides in on the far side of the picnic style table, setting her coffee down and then settling in. "Oh! Can you grab a couple napkins?" She hopes to catch Wako's attention before the other girl sits down.

Naru waits until Wako settles before she continues the conversation. "I don't think wanting to be a singer is childish!" She sounds delighted at the idea. "What sort of music do you sing?" Her expression turns sympathetic at what Wako misses. "I can imagine its very lonely to have left everyone, and not have that sense of community. I hope it gets easier soon."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
"Napkins, sure!" Wako plonks her drink and her food down at the table, though she snags another fried octopus ball to nomf down on her way to grab a handful of paper napkins for the both of them. She offers these to Naru as she returns to take a seat.

"Just pop music, really. Some things for my old school's drama club. There never seemed much chance of it going anywhere, so I didn't do much more than just stay in practice and sing for fun, that kind of thing."

Now that she's no longer at risk of dropping everything, she's making very quick work of her food - quick enough that despite demolishing the takoyaki at what would be an alarming rate for anyone who didn't grow up with Usagi Tsukino, somehow she manages not to talk with her mouth full. "Oh, but I haven't even asked... what kinds of things do you like to do? Are you in any clubs?"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Thanks." Naru snags a napkin to be able to wipe off her fingers. If normal people eat at speed X, and folks like Usagi and Wako eat at approximately ten times that speed, Naru is more half that speed. She's nibbled a small chunk off her pastry in the time that Wako's finished off a dish. The disconnect doesn't even make Naru blink. Seems perfectly normal to her.

"Nothing wrong with pop music." Naru protests. "It's popular for a reason. You'll have to get back to practicing now that you're in Tokyo."

There's a little pause as Wako asks after Naru's hobbies, almost as if surprised. Naru is generally quite good at keeping people talking about themselves and not about her. She takes a drink of coffee before answering. "Art club, and debate club. Although debate club is mostly to look good on my transcript." She has to admit with a rueful smile. "Although if we're sharing childhood aspirations, I wanted to design fashion. Which feels about as practical as aspiring to be a singer."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako hums around a mouthful of takoyaki, with an impressed rising inflection. "That's very cool," she says after she swallows, brown eyes bright with sincerity. "And not all that impractical, either. Everybody needs clothes, and someone has to design them. It might as well be you as anyone else."

The first order of takoyaki has completely vanished. She starts in on the second without missing a beat. "Unless it's not something you still want to do. But if you do, there's no reason not to pursue it." She pauses for a sip of her own drink. "To be honest, I hadn't thought about those dreams of being a singer for a long time... But you're right, now that I'm here, I should definitely put more work into voice training."

Naru Osaka has posed:
Naru has eaten perhaps a third of her takoyaki and she closes the take out container, clearly planning to take the rest home. The coffee, on the other hand, gets her full attention, held in both hands as she considers.

"I suppose." She's thoughtful on the notion of not quite surrendering on fashion. "It's part of why I'm taking art, honestly. I enjoy art for art's sake, but it's also really handy for drawing designs. It's a great combination." She takes another sip of coffee, listening to Wako's thoughts on singing and then she grins. "We should go to karaoke! I mean, it's not at all the same as actual proper practicing, but it would be fun for the dorm to go out and get to know each other a bit better and be silly."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
Wako, meanwhile, goes on doing an excellent impression of someone who has never even heard of the concept of 'leftovers'. "That makes a lot of sense," she says. "It's kind of why I'm in the Drama Club, but the connection between art skills and designing would be even more direct."

The suggestion of karaoke has her nodding, veritably sparkling with enthusiasm. "Karaoke would be fantastic. We have a place on the island, but I didn't get to go that often - it'd be a great way to get to know people. You can definitely count me in!"

Naru Osaka has posed:
"Awesome!" Naru sounds delighted at the prospect of making an utter fool of herself in public, her smile bright.

The buzz of her phone prompts Naru to dig it out from her satchel. Her sketchbook came with her, but she doesn't seem disappointed in having chatted rather than sketched. She wrinkles her nose at the message on her phone. "Sorry to abandon you, but I have to get back. Are you alright to get back to school on your own?" She snags out a bit of paper and a pen, jotting down her phone number and sliding it over. "If you get lost, just text me."

Wako Agemaki has posed:
If Wako's disappointed that her new friend has to leave quite so soon, she doesn't particularly show it, only inclining her head in understanding at the apology. Perhaps she expected that the buzzing of the cell phone heralded something of the kind. "I should be okay getting back from here - but thank you."

She ceases her attack on what's left of her takoyaki long enough to accept the piece of paper with Naru's number, smiling warmly. "I'll be sure to send you an SOS if I need directions. It was really nice meeting you, Naru-chan."

Naru Osaka has posed:
"It was lovely to meet you, Wako-chan." Naru smiles brightly as she collects up her take out container. Usagi's snack, more than likely. "See you back at school!"

And she's off, not actually in the direction of school. Clearly another errand before heading to the dorm.