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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2024/03/17 |Location=Dorms #3 |Synopsis=Bow brings Sayaka dinner from WcDonald's and uses his 10 piece WcNuggets and Sauce to explain the different...")
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|Synopsis=Bow brings Sayaka dinner from WcDonald's and uses his 10 piece WcNuggets and Sauce to explain the different points on his Etheria Timeline Theory and the different players involved. DT gets all the green sweet and sour sauce.
|Synopsis=Bow brings Sayaka dinner from WcDonald's and uses his 10 piece WcNuggets and Sauce to explain the different points on his Etheria Timeline Theory and the different players involved. DT gets all the green sweet and sour sauce.
|Cast of Characters=226,32
|Cast of Characters=226,32
|Tinyplot=How the Adora Crumbles

Latest revision as of 16:56, 16 April 2024

WcNugget Theater Presents: Etheria - A Timeline
Date of Scene: 17 March 2024
Location: Dorms #3
Synopsis: Bow brings Sayaka dinner from WcDonald's and uses his 10 piece WcNuggets and Sauce to explain the different points on his Etheria Timeline Theory and the different players involved. DT gets all the green sweet and sour sauce.
Cast of Characters: Bow, Sayaka Miki
Tinyplot: How the Adora Crumbles

Bow has posed:
Not long after Catra left Bow alone in the abandoned dojo that had been Adora's home for the last few weeks, he decided that he needed to leave as well. There was no longer anything there that Adora would want, and he needs a change of venue. As he's leaving, he reaches for his phone to send a message.

<PHONE> Bow texts Sayaka: Hey, I'm near WcDonald's. Want a bite to eat and some company? I'm buying.

Once she has sent him her request, Bow ducks into the fast food restaurant to pick up the food and drinks and then makes his way to the girls' dorm. Hopefully he's given Sayaka enough time to prepare for him.

He knocks when he arrives at her room, dressed in a yellow shirt that exposes his abs with the silhouette of an archer in pink, a flannel shirt, blue jeans and tennis shoes. And after knocking, he offers. "Food delivery!"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
<PHONE> Sayaka Miki text Bow: A WcChicken Sandwich, thanks!
<PHONE> Sayaka Miki text Bow: I am always ready for your company. <3

With a fortunate timing, Sayaka is still inside her dorm room when she receives that text, thanks to some homework she has just finished. And it's nearing dinner time, so her boyfriend's request is providential.

And since she had been out before that, she has already changed out of the school uniform, wearing a pale green blouse with a short soft yellow skirt, and a pair of green slippers with blue stripes.

And she is quicking to open the door, avoiding the food as she closes in for a hug. "Yes, you have come to the right place! Please come in", she takes part at the humurous comment with a grin. "And to think they sent my lovely boyfriend for the delivery, I am truly in luck", the bluenette adds, nodding to the table in the center of the communal room, where a few papera still lie.

Bow has posed:
Bow sprung for the WcChicken combo, with fries and a bottle of water, he didn't want to guess at what drink she may have wanted. It's another thing he needs to learn about his girlfriend. "You look great." Of course, she had time to prepare, but the bluenette is still adorable.

Leaning down to kiss her cheek, he comes inside. The first thing she may notice is that the large bruise that was on his jaw is gone. Carrying the bags over to the table to set down, he has his own meal, which is the WcChicken Nuggets with sweet and sour sauce and fries and a water as well. Scooting the papers aside to set out the food, he pulls out a chair for Sayaka. "Your table awaits." he teases.

But, if she's observant, and she is, he's got something clearly on his mind. His smile isn't touching his eyes like it usually does. But with her presence, he's slowly starting to warm back up. "I hope I didn't keep you from your homework?" he asks with worry. "The advisors suggested with it being so close to the end of the year, that I just... wait until the new year starts and be in tenth grade." Which means they'll at least be one year closer together?

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Thank you", Sayaka smiles as her chair is pulled for her and her food set on the table, a caress on his arm as she passes by him when she sits down. She is glad to see Bow is in shape physically, although she does notice that he is harbouring some dark thoughts with that frozen smile.

It's a thing she can understand, Adora wasn't in a good condition at all when they found her, between her mental and physical condition. Even if she was purified, it's hard not to worry about side effects.

"I have just finished actually", the bluenette replies, briefly getting back up to gather the papers and stash them in her schoolbag and reserving him a happy smile for the kiss. "You came at an good moment. Is there something you want to talk about?", she says with her concern slipping into her voice, sitting back down onto the chair, but moving an arm back so she can grasp his hand with hers.

Bow has posed:
Once she's seated, Bow helps Sayaka to the table, an affectionate squeeze of her shoulder before he moves to sit down across from her with his own food. Settled at the table, when she reaches for his hand, he squeezes hers in return, "I was just... last night and everything that happened." He draws in a breath and leans back, releasing her hand only to work on setting up his food.

"How much have I told you about Catra and Adora?" he asks her curiously, trying to remember exactly what he's told her so far. "I don't know if I told you, but Adora said that on the Etheria she's from, she and Catra were about to marry. Which is a little crazy, because Catra was one of our worst enemies. But, she and Adora were best friends growing up."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"Last night was quite charged", Sayaka cautiously admits as she listens to Bow talk. But you found Adora now, and she is back, soon enough she will be just like before this happened", she tries to console the much taller teen.

"Pretty much that Adora is chasing after Catra, and she is dangerous", Sayaka fills him in. "Them marrying though, is... Well, it must give Adora lots of complicated feelings. Did something happened with Catra?"

Bow has posed:
"So. This is a little complicated." Bow admits. But he gets a plate and sets it on the table. Getting out one of the sauce packets, he opens a little so he can pour it along the plate, in a straight line. "This is Etheria's timeline. Here..." he makes a little dollop of sauce on one end. "Is when Adora defected from the Horde and joined the Rebellion. Here..." a dollop at the other end. "Is where Adora and Catra married."

Taking out a nugget, he shows it to Sayaka. "This is Adora. Adora is from here." He puts her at the end of the timeline. "But whatever brought her here has put her instead... somewhere around here." He resets her back a bit. Me? I'm around here." He takes out another nugget and sets it somwhere behind the Adora-nugget. "I thought Catra was here." A third nugget. This one between Adora and Bow.

"I went to the dojo where Adora was hiding when she was suffering from the dark energy. Catra was there. We talked." Yes, he's sure Sayaka will have thoughts on him going there by himself. Without at least telling her. "She told me her last memory of Etheria. She's actually from here." He moves the nugget behind the Bow nugget and sets it at an earlier point in the sauce timeline.

"I thought they were from two seperate timelines, like me. But they could be the same timeline. And if they are, everything that just happened? Everything that Adora did to Catra? If we get things set right... instead of this..." He puts the Catra and Adora nuggets together at the end of the timeline, "...will be this." He picks up the Catra nugget and eats it, leaving Adora all alone.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka watches as Bow uses his dinner to style a representation of the overall situation. That's what happens when you don't have your miniatures, probably. Though the situation Bow illustrates is just as clear to Sayaka as it is messy for the three of them that they are actually involved in it. He must be quite unsettled by everything himself.

"Still, that Adora reacted to you", Sayaka points out, following the hunch that tells her Bow may need and appreciate it. "You may not be exactly the precisely identical Bow, but you are essentially the same to her.

Sayaka winces when Bow reveals what he did. He can take care of himself, but still it's so easy for things to go sideways and break all over even when you are from the same, hmm, status. Nevermind theirs. A pretty clear illustration of the risk they are under, with the mess that has been made of their time. "Are you ok? Catra did nothing to you right? And does Adora know of the consequences her actions may have?"

Bow has posed:
"Just because she reacted to me doesn't mean that we're on the same timeline." Bow responds after he swallows 'Catra' and returns his attention to the remaining nuggets after a glance to Sayaka. "I mean, she punched me, which yeah, dark energy - but all that does is enhance existing feelings, she may have always wanted to punch me. Her Bow. Whichever." A shrug of his shoulders.

"As I said when I first arrived here, my Adora was missing, I just..." He sits there for a moment, "...I can't remember the circumstance." A sigh of frustration. "And Crystal Hope says that her memory files are damaged at that point from the Horde attack."

"No. No, she didn't attack me. I'm sure if I had henshin'd, it'd ended up differently, but she spent most of her time trying to remind me she was the enemy, I should give up, and that I wasn't worth her time - and that Etheria is dead anyway. Which brings me to my next point." Another chicken piece. "She did give me a nugget of information." See what he did there?

"Adora thought Glimmer was here. Glimmer is the the girl in purple you saw in the video. She and I grew up together - she was the Princess of Brightmoon, now the Queen, after her mother died in the same incident that... may have brought Catra here." he explains.

"But when I asked Catra last night about Glimmer, she said she hadn't seen her and assumed she was dead too. So, there's one other explanation, and Adora gave it to me the other night." He flips the nugget around and douses it in Sweet and Sour. "Double Trouble. They're a shapeshifter from our world. Can assume any form they've studied. Which includes Glimmer."

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka bites her own WcChicken Sandwich (or can it be called a Sandwitch given it's food for her?) as she realises how deeply both events have affected Bow. He is clearly wounded, and he is not going to think straight about it as a result. Something she clearly knows. He is going through too much, things are happening too fast, before he can process both events separately. "Bow, those feelings that brought Adora to punch you may have just the state of hurt and confusion she was in. Lashing out is something we naturally do then to defend ourselves, even if it's not something actually good."

Not that it makes it any better for the attacked party, or even just actually help you feel better. Rather, Adora is probably feeling worse right now.

Leaving aside the notion of Crystal Hope's memory being damaged on the exact same events that Bow forgot (her soul hitches with a foreboding feeling everytime something fishy about the Intelligence of the First Ones pops up) or Bow's pun (she would have laughed about it in another situation, but here Bow will get a slight smirk), the notion of a shapeshifter being among their ranks is, well, troubling, even as Sayaka is relieved he wasn't actually attacked.

"How do we stop them?" Sayaka obviously asks. "For all you know, I could be Double Trouble. Or Ula could be. If they are that good an impersonator, how do we find them out?" Well, Ula is probably safe, since she uses her magic to fly around, unless Double Trouble is able to do the same, Sayaka realises. "At the very least, we need to start setting up passcodes and the likes. To make sure Double Trouble doesn't actually impersonates us."

Bow has posed:
Double Trouble is picked up as Bow muses the last question first. "I barely knew about Double Trouble when I met them." he admits thoughtfully. "They don't like being threatened, and that's about all I know - we're just going to have to be on our toes. After all, if you're using that logic, I could be them and came here to break up with you to sow more confusion." A slight smirk as he pops the nugget into his mouth to chew on.

He'll let her chew on that for a moment. "We watched Aquamarine the other night. Well, until we were interupted." In case Sayaka was suddenly worried he might be them. And he can appreciate all that Sayaka is doing to try to ausage his fears, but he's had time to think about it, and he's already shaken it off.

"I plan to talk to Adora tomorrow, I want to check on her anyway and make sure she's fine." Bow offers. "Well, as fine as she can be, all things considered." Really, so far, he's gotten off pretty easy in the grand scheme of things. "Though, I feel like I need to be apologizing to you." he points out.

"You just got over the whole thing with your soul and all of that, and now, you're embroiled in my mess and Etheria, and I'm sure it's not something you expected or wanted." A sigh at that. "You still have time to bail out, you know." he points out. He certainetly wouldn't blame her - he's going through it right now.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Yeah, if Double Trouble wanted to take the easy way to hurt her, taking either Madoka's, Hinoiri's or Bow's identity would be an easy way to achieve that. She wouldn't be broken by it, certainly not to the point of reverting to a Witch, those days are in the past luckily, but still it's not just something that would pass by her. "I think that would be a bad move on their part, because you haven't shown any sign of not enjoying being with me, so I would at least ask why, and what would they reply then? Would they really know that much?" Her tone does let through a little bit of hurt at the notion, even if she trying not to let it get to her.

Sayaka wasn't really worried about Bow secretly being Double Trouble, not unless they are the type to reveal their existence in a twisted move to gain Sayaka's trust even as that would be the first thing that makes Sayaka suspect things. But those kind of mind games are too twisted to get out of with any semblance of logic. "Do you remember Kontraplake, the Witch we fought together?" Sayaka suggests. "Nobody knows about her expect the two of us, so she could be our passcode. And if you really want to be extra sure, I still have her Grief Soul with me, so I could show you."

"Do you want me to be there with you?" Sayaka offers when Bow mentions going to Adora. She is not expecting to actually contribute anything special, but she would be coming along for the moral support. Bow might find it helpful.

The bluenette raises an eyebrow when he mentions apologising to her. And then the explanation as to why. "Did you expect or want to involved in all of this? No, right? It's not any different for me, so yes, all these events are troublesome to deal with. But I'd rather face them again and again before thinking of losing you. You are worth hundreds of them", Sayaka stares at Bow with conviction.

Bow has posed:
"I have nothing at all to be unhappy about, Sayaka. I was just saying, that would be..." Bow scrubs his face a little. "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to upset you." His meal is forgotten about for now as he turns his attention to Sayaka fully.

"Kontraplake works... that was the arts and crafts thing we faced with all the saw blades I set on fire." In case Sayaka needed to make sure he knew what she was talking about. For now though? He's getting to his feet. Coming around to Sayaka, he leans down, his arms over her shoulders, his hands clutched together over her heart as he kisses the top of the bluenette's head.

"If you want to come with me to meet Adora, sure." he offers to her. "And I know you want to be there for me, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna feel great about it. We don't have it easy, but I'm sure we're going to figure it out." he responds, and when she looks up at him, he leans down to kiss her lightly. "Thank you." he offers sincerely.

Sayaka Miki has posed:
"No, it's a good thing you brought it up", Sayaka remarks, giving Bow a smile to show him she doesn't have a problem with him. "For all we know it might actually happen, and it's good to be ready, even if it's not going to be pleasant." A squeeze of his hand follows as Sayaka elaborates. "I'm not hurt by the fact you brought it up, really."

"Right, that was her." And as Bow comes close to show Sayaka his affection and the security he wants her to fell, she replies in kind, pressing against him with a hug. It will all be fine eventually. Bow knows that, Sayaka knows that, they just have to endure until things start to stabilise. And then Bow can be fully happy again, as he deserves to be.

Sayaka answers back to the kiss that he leans down for, raising up a little to make sure he feels she is doing that, relaying all of it back, because that's the one certainty he probably has right now, and she wants to be his support, no matter what happens. "I want to be there, then. Because my feelings for you are real, and if you ever start to get overwhelmed, that's the assurance I would like to provide, that you deserve good things."

Bow has posed:
As Sayaka kisses him, Bow responds, leaning into her to turn the light kiss into a deeper one, holding her for several moments, before he breaks away, his eyes warm, cheeks flush with his desire for her. "That was nice..." he manages, and straightens up. "Ah. Anyway."

"Enough of that... we should finish lunch, and since I'm here, we can try the movie again, if you want?" offered in suggestion, it's clear his mind is still lingering on her kiss and what it meant. "Unless there's anything else you want to ask or want to know?"

Sayaka Miki has posed:
Sayaka is surprised when she finds herself strongly clung to, and she receives a passionate response to her own, one that she welcomes as she tries her best to equally make Bow feel how much she loves him. Maybe it would have been easier if they had been sitting down for this.

She is about to say yes to Bow's offer when Ula approaches, her eyes darting between the clock on the wall and Bow's earring. Sayaka catches on and says: "Maybe not now, but I would love to do it tomorrow. They are probably expecting you back to your dorm."

Bow has posed:
Glancing up at the clock, Bow realizes that yes, it's very close to curfew. There's a small chuckle. "Right. Forgot, the encampments here have rules." he teases. But, he accepts that he's going to have to leave her for the moment. "We can do that tomorrow after we visit Adora." he promises.

Another kiss, lingering for a moment before he pulls away as he heads for the door. "Good night, Sayaka." he offers quietly. "Sleep sweet." And with that, he's on his way out and back towards his own dorm.